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TurboGL works with Voodoo2, just do this first

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  • TurboGL works with Voodoo2, just do this first

    I have a G-400 with Voodoo 2 SLI and I can get every game (Quake 3, Quake 2, Half Life etc) to work and I did not remove the Voodoo 2s or the drivers.
    What you have to be sure and do, is before installing the TurboGL, start the game and make sure it is set for Default OpenGL.
    3DFX file is also called opengl32.dll so when the Turbo GL overwrites the 3DFX one of course it locks up becuase it is not the right file.
    As long as the game is set to use Default OpenGL and the opengl32.dll file in the game directory is the Matrox Turbo one it will work.
    Just check properties on the file and make sure it Matrox's.

  • #2
    What happened if I already installed TurboGL driver? How do I uninstall it so I can try your idea?

    Ant @ The Ant Farm (


    • #3

      I found easier solution. Now I`m using a little utility from Leinen Software development( called Voodoo2 tweaker Ver1.1. I only unchecked box "Enable DirectDraw drivers" and ran Quake3 Demo with file OpenGl32.dll-(turbogl) in Quake3 directory.

      WOOOW and MATROX new TURBOGL works with properly instaled vOODOO2 SLI DX7 drivers.

      G400DH32MB+Voodoo2 SLI,P2 450Mhz,ABItBH6,...
      Matrox Rulez


      • #4
        John, can you do that with DirectX's control panel without using that little utility? I will try that program anyways. =).
        Ant @ The Ant Farm (


        • #5
          WOAH! That utility does work. I tried my idea with DirectX control panel, but it failed. And the cool part is that I can still use Voodoo2 driver with disabled DirectDraw drivers.

          That doesn't make sense. Anyone know why? I am happy!
          Ant @ The Ant Farm (


          • #6
            Your solution does indeed work. I do get better frame rates with the Voodoo2 tweaker GL options enabled, than I do with the Matrox GL drivers in Q3, though. P3-600, 400 32mb max, Voodoo2 SLI.


            • #7
              antdude: sorry, when I disabled DirectX Voodoo2 drivers on DirectX's control panel(DxDiag),then TurboGL doesn`t worked.

              Yaba daba doo,my killer combo MatroxTurboGL+WickedGL at work.
              P2 450Mhz,G400DH32MB not o/c, voodoo2 Sli not o/c
              Quake1.11 full Demo, game options -default,16bit depth+16bit textures, high geom.,vsync off, bilinear filter

              1.tex.slider4/4,Sound disabled, not o/c
              1024x768-38.6fps(TGL) , 39.4fps(WGL-hires driver)
              800x600 -52.1fps(TGL) , 49.8fps(WGL-regular driver)
              640x480 -54.0fps(TGL) , 53.3fps(WGL-regular driver)

              2.tex.slider3/4,Sound disabled, not o/c
              1024x768-40.1fps(TGL) , 40.5fps(WGL-hires driver)
              800x600 -52.7fps(TGL) , 51.0fps(WGL-regular driver)
              640x480 -54.0fps(TGL) , 54.3fps(WGL-regular driver)

              3.text.slider4/4,Sound disabled,G400 o/c Fo=293.14
              800x600 -53.7fps(TGL)
              640x480 -54.0fps(TGL)

              4.text.slider3/4,Sound disabled,G400 o/c Fo=293.14
              800x600 -53.9fps(TGL)
              640x480 -54.0fps(TGL)

              NOTE: TURBO GL has "HI-RES" textures support(noticeable better textures quality than WickedGL) above 256x256 pixels.

              next: TurboGL 32bit stuff.

              THANX MATROX
              best regards
              JOHN RAMBO


              • #8
                If you have already installed the Turbo Gl driver, just rename it in the game directory to opengl32.bak or something.
                Start the game and make sure to set it for Default OpenGL.
                Then rename it back to opengl32.dll and it works!


                • #9
                  Thanks to John Rambo for the link to the v2 tweaker. Turning off the V2 DirectX drivers has solved my problems

                  I now have turboGL running on Q3A when the other methods (default openGL etc) seemed to have no effect...thnaks mate!

