why is it that all these Celery and Pentium 2 users are getting 40% to 50% performance increases with the TurboGL driver? the K6-IIIs have MMX, plus 3Dnow! and i am only getting about a 10% performance increase. i don't get it! 3Dnow! has always provided a more dramatic performance increase than MMX, why is it all of a sudden changing? did Matrox just put a half-ass job into the K6-x portion of the TurboGL driver? and yes, it is installed. i'm not that stupid. is there any way i can override the 3Dnow! and make it use the MMX so i can see for myself? the K6-III has twice as much on-chip L2 cache as the Celery, and it's running at full speed, like the Celery, and my system posts scores better than a Celery 450 on Norton SI (i get a 220.6 with my K6-III 400 @ 112x4.0). what's up with that?
also, when Quake3 is starting, in that little blue console window there is a processor detection line. it detects my processor as a Pentium 2/MMX CPU. in all the test versions of Quake3, my processor was detected as an "AMD K6-x, 3Dnow! processor". my performance was also a lot better with Q3Test 1.08. can i manually enable the 3Dnow! instruction set for Quake3? PLEASE help me with this.
thanks a ton for your help.
-Campbell "aNtHrAx323" Krueger
System specs:
AMD K6-III 400 at 112x4.0 at 2.3V
Asus P5A
96 MB SD-RAM (the old 66 MHz... stable enough tho =)
Matrox G400 AGP 32MB Dual-Head
Diamond Sonic Impact S90 PCI
Linksys LNE100TX WOL PCI Ethernet adapter
Processor is a peltier/Alpha cooling combo, avg. temp is around 85 F.
also, when Quake3 is starting, in that little blue console window there is a processor detection line. it detects my processor as a Pentium 2/MMX CPU. in all the test versions of Quake3, my processor was detected as an "AMD K6-x, 3Dnow! processor". my performance was also a lot better with Q3Test 1.08. can i manually enable the 3Dnow! instruction set for Quake3? PLEASE help me with this.
thanks a ton for your help.
-Campbell "aNtHrAx323" Krueger
System specs:
AMD K6-III 400 at 112x4.0 at 2.3V
Asus P5A
96 MB SD-RAM (the old 66 MHz... stable enough tho =)
Matrox G400 AGP 32MB Dual-Head
Diamond Sonic Impact S90 PCI
Linksys LNE100TX WOL PCI Ethernet adapter
Processor is a peltier/Alpha cooling combo, avg. temp is around 85 F.