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Q3 Optimal Config?

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  • Q3 Optimal Config?

    I have a P2-350 with G400 and the frame rate is slower than my old Voodoo2 Card. I have the newest drivers, the TurboGL driver and the intaller but the card still runs slower than my old Canopus. I have been told to get the "OpenGL Wrapper". Any help here? What should I be doing?

  • #2
    Are you using the TGL driver with it? if not you can download from the MURC homepage. give that a try and see if it helps.

    Flux capacitor overclocked to 1.31 jigawatts
    Flux capacitor overclocked to 1.31 jigawatts


    • #3
      The G400 really does need a fast processor to become competitive in the openGL arena. Anyone that has a slower cpu, I always recommend them to go with a Voodoo based card...and try turning doen the setting a notch or two - 32-bit textures is a killer at high resolutions! GoodLuck

      Celeron 300A@464 2.0V, Abit BH6 G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A, Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775

      Celeron 566@877 1.8V, 256meg generic PC-100 RAM (running at CAS2) Abit BH6, G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A(morphed to mp7060A) Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775


      • #4
        This is a remake of autoexec from the bind that I use It is for speed and not looks but I manage to get 72fps in 800x600x16 on demo001. You can just cut and paste it in notepad and name it autoexec.cfg and put it in baseq3 folder. It gives you a description of what each one does. You will prolly need to change the m_yaw, m_pitch and sensativity settings(I play fast with a fast mouse).
        celeron 300a oc 450
        abit bx6r2
        256mb ram

        // Settings.cfg
        // ============
        com_hunkmegs 92 // default: 56 Amount of ram allocated to q3a
        com_blood 0 // default: 1 Show blood
        cg_forceModel 1 // default:0 Force all player models to Sarge
        cg_lagometer 1 // default: 1 Display "Lagometer"
        cg_bobroll 0.000 // default:0.002 Player vision bobbing roll
        cg_bobpitch 0.000 // default:0.002 Player vision bobbing pitch
        cg_bobup 0.000 // default:0.005 Player vision bobbing bounce
        cg_brassTime 0 // default:1250 Amont in ms shell casings are shown
        cg_runroll 0.000 // default:0.005 Player vision bobbing roll during run
        cg_runpitch 0.000 // default:0.002 Player vision bobbing pitch during run
        cg_crosshairsize 24 // default:24 Size in pixels of displayed Crosshair
        cg_crosshairHealth 0 // default:1 Crosshair fades to red as player loses health
        cg_drawAttacker 0 // default:1 Displays head model and name of last player to damage you
        cg_drawAmmoWarning 0 // default:1 Warns player of near depleted ammo on current weapon
        cg_drawCrosshair 6 // default:1 Draw crosshair (0-10)
        cg_draw3dIcons 0 // default:1 Display 3d icons in HUD
        cg_drawFPS 0 // default:0 Displays FPS counter in HUD
        cg_drawTimer 1 // default:0 Displays Game Timer in HUD
        cg_drawTeamOverlay 1 // default:0 Displays Teamplay Overlay
        cg_gibs 0 // default:1 Renders gibs (heads, arms, legs...)
        cg_fov 110 // default:90 Regular field of vision (not zoomed in)
        cg_drawGun 0 // default:1 Renders weapon model
        cg_autoswitch 0 // default:1 Weapon autoswitches upon pickup
        cg_marks 0 // default:1 Renders bullet marks on walls
        cg_shadows 0 // default:1 Renders entity shadows
        cg_predictItems 1 // default:1 Client prediction for picking up items
        cl_maxpackets 30 // default:30 Maximum packets recieved/sent by client to server
        r_fastsky 1 // default:0 Renders eyecandy sky or not (and portal graphics!)
        r_subdivisions 999 // default:4 Controls curved surfaces
        r_texturebits 0 // default:0 Color depth of textures
        r_railSegmentLength 0 // default:32 Lenght of a single section of railgun effect in pixels
        r_railCoreWidth 1 // default:6 Diameter of railgun core effect in pixels
        r_railWidth 16 // default:16 Diameter of railgun ring effect in pixels
        r_lodbias 1 // default:0 Level of Detail Setting 0=high 1=medium 2=low
        cg_railTrailTime 1000 // default:400 Amount of time in ms railgun effect remains in view
        s_musicvolume 0.0 // default:0.25 Volume of in game music
        s_mixAhead 0.6 // default: 0.2 Premixing of sound effects
        s_loadas8bit 1 // default: 0 8bit sound effects
        s_khz 11 // default: 11 Sampling rate of sound effects
        scr_conspeed 30 // default:3 Speed of console movement (higher = faster)
        color 7 // default:4 Railgun effect color
        model visor/gorre // default: Model and Skin
        m_pitch 0.060 // default:0.022 Mouse speed up/down
        m_yaw 0.050 // default:0.022 Mouse speed left/right
        rate 25000 // default:3000 Communication rate with server
        sensitivity "10" // default: Mouse sensitivity
        com_maxfps "85" // default:85 Maximum frames a second

        // EOF
        ***It didnt paste correctly I have about 20 spaces between the command and the // that way they are all lined up and easier to read, you also might set r_dynamiclight "0" that gave me another 8fps so im at 80fps***

        [This message has been edited by Buffy (edited 02 January 2000).]

