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Quake and G400

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  • Quake and G400

    Any tips on speeding up GLQuake with a G400 as even in 600*480 i only manage 44 fps and this drops quite significantly when the blood starts flying . Im using rocket to grenade , nail filter etc etc

    Heres the relevant parts f config.cfg

    rate "3500"
    m_pitch "-0.022"
    sensitivity "16.0"
    lookstrafe "0"
    lookspring "0"
    cl_maxfps "0"
    cl_hudswap "0"
    cl_sbar "1.000000"
    _snd_mixahead "0.10"
    bgmvolume "0.0"
    volume "1.0"
    gl_triplebuffer "0"
    viewsize "100"
    _windowed_mouse "0"
    vid_stretch_by_2 "1"
    vid_config_y "600"
    vid_config_x "800"
    _vid_default_mode_win "3"
    _vid_default_mode "0"
    _vid_wait_override "0"
    vid_nopageflip "0"
    gl_subdivide_size "128"
    gamma "1.0"
    cl_crossy "0"
    cl_crossx "0"
    crosshair "1"
    crosshaircolor "079"

    Heres relevant bits of autoexec.cfg

    exec alias.cfg
    noskins 0
    fov 120
    joystick 0
    lookstrafe 0
    lookspring 0
    noaim 0
    showturtle 1
    showram 1
    showpause 1
    crosshair 1
    sensitivity 16.0
    m_pitch -0.022
    bgmvolume 0.0
    volume 1.0
    _snd_mixahead 0.10
    viewsize 100
    gamma 1.0
    gl_flashblend 1
    r_dynamic 0
    r_waterwarp 0
    r_netgraph 1
    show_fps 1
    rate 3500
    pushlatency -999
    msg "1"
    cl_hudswap "0"
    cl_sbar "1.000000"
    _windowed_mouse "0"
    vid_stretch_by_2 "1"
    vid_config_y "600"
    vid_config_x "800"
    _vid_default_mode_win "3"
    _vid_default_mode "0"
    _vid_wait_override "0"
    vid_nopageflip "0"
    cl_crossy "0"
    cl_crossx "0"
    setinfo w_switch "7"
    setinfo b_switch "7"

    any ideas please ?

    opps nearly forgot Ath600 , 128mb , G400 sh , TurboGL and latest drivers etc etc

    [This message has been edited by Pathogen (edited 03 January 2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Pathogen (edited 03 January 2000).]

  • #2
    The turboGL is not installed automaticly in quake 1.
    Copy the turboGL opengl32.dll from your Q2 or Q3 or whatever into your quake folder. Instant FPS!
    My celery makes 126 FPS @ 800x600

    ABit BF6 w/ Celery 333@500, 128mb gh@cas2, 10gb IBM@7200, SB Live Value@3.0, noname CDRom@40x, Mitsumi CDRW@2x2x8, Acatel 1000 ADSL@1.5mb/sec, Princeton EO75@1024x768x32x85hz, USB mouse,Matrox G400 MAX!!!!



    • #3
      cjolley is right. Even my puny ass celery churns out glquake/glquakeworld fps like a madman with turbogl. For what it's worth here's my general quake dm config:

      I run the executable first with paramaters:

      glquake.exe -noserial -nocdaudio -nojoy -noipx -zone 1024 -heapsize 64000 -width 1024 -height 768 -conwidth 640 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7

      my generic dm autoexec.cfg

      r_shadows 0
      r_waterwarp "0"
      r_wateralpha 1
      r_mirroralpha 1
      r_dynamic 0
      gl_subdivide_size 128
      gl_picmip 0
      gl_playermip 0
      gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
      gl_flashblend 0
      gl_polyblend 0
      gl_ztrick 1
      gl_keeptjunctions 0
      gl_finish 0
      gl_triplebuffer 1
      _windowed_mouse 1
      name "absalom"
      sensitivity "10.5"
      bind "a" "+moveleft"
      bind "c" "+movedown"
      bind "d" "+moveright"
      bind "e" "+moveup"
      bind "s" "+back"
      bind "w" "+forward"
      bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
      bind "MOUSE2" "+jump"
      bind "MWHEELUP" "impulse 12"
      bind "MWHEELDOWN" "impulse 10"
      lookstrafe "0"
      lookspring "0"
      cl_solid_players 0
      cl_bob "0"
      cl_bobcycle "0"
      cl_bobup "0"
      cl_rollangle "0"
      cl_rollspeed "1"
      cl_nolerp "0"
      cl_sidespeed "800"
      cl_backspeed "425"
      cl_forwardspeed "425"
      chase_back "150"
      v_kicktime "0"
      v_kickpitch "0"
      v_kickroll "0"
      color "12 12"
      fov "90"
      //d_mipcap "3"
      //d_mipscale "40"
      sv_aim "3"
      crosshair "1"
      joystick "0"
      scr_conspeed "5000"
      m_filter "0"
      alias sw "impulse 2;wait;impulse 3;wait;impulse 5"
      bind q sw
      alias r1 "impulse 7;bind r r2"
      alias r2 "impulse 6;bind r r1"
      bind r r1
      alias l1 "impulse 8;bind f l2"
      alias l2 "impulse 7;bind f l1"
      bind f l1
      alias +ql "-attack;impulse 8;+attack"
      alias -ql "-attack;impulse 7"
      bind space +ql
      alias +qg "-attack;impulse 6;+attack"
      alias -qg "-attack;impulse 7"
      bind alt +qg

      It has long been my experience with glquake that r_dynamic and gl_flashblend are the greatest framerate savers to toggle.

      My teamfortress config is a total nightmare... but nowhere as messy as my Starseige Tribes control config

      [This message has been edited by absalom (edited 04 January 2000).]


      • #4
        Also, quakeworld is a tricky thing. Glquake's framerate is totally independent of it's network code... which is also why it sucks to play it over the internet on a modem or any other lagged connection. Quakeworld's framerate, however, is entirely dependent on your bandwidth.. with ping being associated moreover to qw's prediction scheme. Thus, the more bandwidth you have... the more ideal your framerate will be.

        rate (it equals bandwidth... which equals ideal framerate)
        cl_nodelta (toggle)

        The three most important values when playing qw online... simply because they all tell qw how much bandwidth to try to use. If you have plenty of bandwidth, then maxing the values shouldn't hinder your gameplay. If you lack the bandwidth you tell qw to use, you'll run into buffer overruns, which in turn adds latency (lag) to your gameplay.

        Quakeworld has a bar minimum framerate of 30 fps. So no matter how horrible your connection is, qw will try to run 30 fps ideally. Now, whether your system can keep up with 30 fps is another story. To me, cl_maxfps is only usefull if you want to limit your framerate for some reason (maybe you hate 60 fps or something). If you set it to "0", you will effectively not limit your framerate. My point here is that, in the end, your connection's ability to meet the rate value will determine your framerate. I think Zoid said at one time that glquakeworld has a maximum framerate cap anyway... somewhere around 100 fps. Which means a rate of over 7500 is pretty much pointless. Most people with elite internet connections set the values off the scale and get the most out of it... but they are realisticly limited to a point.

        The cl_nodelta toggle is what I used to call the sh*tty modem person's cry for help. People with really lame isp's barely maintaining a 28.8 connect (even though they think they get 56k all the time) will toggle this to a value of 1 and be able to play... well sort of. It's better than nothing to say the least. Basically this command toggles a form of packet compression qw uses. When you turn it off (cl_nodelta 1), you effectively cut your bandwidth/rate in half... thus your game performance hits rock bottom in trade for possibly less lag and what many would question playable conditions. The most noticable effect of doing this is that you get rid of those nasty blue bars in your netgraph. Those nasty blue bars usually mean your off in "la la" land.

        Most of you probably already know this stuff or really don't care. This is just stuff I've learned and used over the years. I've been playing and still play qw since it came out, over all sorts of internet connections and computer systems. It's the grandaddy of all 3d shooters that are playable over the internet... and it still kicks ass today, imo. Although, I fear the soon to be released quake source code will be a total plague

        Just my 2.5 cents....

        [This message has been edited by absalom (edited 04 January 2000).]


        • #5
          There is something really wrong with your setup if you only get 44 fps. I get some 130 with TGL, Athlon 500, Asus K7M, G400, timedemo demo2.

          Various tips:

          Delete/rename config.cfg, autoexec.cfg and run with only default settings. (just to make sure that it is not your settings that screws it up)

          run glquake.exe without any switches. (for the same reason)

          check if glquake reports that it´s using the Turbo GL. (in console at startup)

          check/reinstall all the opengl32.dll´s and glu32.dll´s (I think there is one called that?) in \quake\ and \windows\system\ (I´m not sure wether the one in the system folder is used by TGL, but check it just the same.

          I couldn´t use TGL until I installed The Miniport AGP driver that came with my Asus K7M mainboard. Also check/reinstall that bus-mastering thing.

          reinstall quake

          reinstall windows
          Athlon 500 (@500)
          Asus K7M
          128 MB PC100 (some noname crap)
          G400 (not MAX)
          Soundblaster 128 PCI
          IBM 8512 (max. resolution: 640x480 woohoo :] )


          • #6
            im already running opengl32.dll from Q3 after installing TGL , ill have a play with the rest tomorrow although this is a new quake install on a new pooter . Ta guys .

