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Q3Radiant with Matrox G400

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  • Q3Radiant with Matrox G400

    Hello everybody!

    I´ve problems with Q3Radiant. Most everytime i load a texture-set q3radiant hangs up.
    Also the images of the tex. aren´t shown right. Often i get white picture.
    So have anyone an idea, a patch or something??

    Perhaps someone could mail me his preferences.

  • #2
    I too have this problem, and have reported it to the q3radiant developer(s).

    One side effect of using q3radiant build 181 was that it caused Q3A to drop back to the menu every time a level was completed (single player and online gaming).

    The problem seemed to be caused by the file museum.shader in the baseq3\scripts directory. Removal of this file (or moved to a safe place) appeared to fix the problem.

    Anyone else get this?

    Ian J

