The title says it all, even if the situation got *slightly* better with the new drivers, zbuffer in UT seems still screwed up, even with the zbuffer set to 32 bit.
Most 'slanted' surfaces show bad quantization errors while moving, and the more far away they are, the worse this is.
This is especially evident in the CTF map with the two high towers very far away, walking towards one or the other makes their slanted fronts appear & disappear. This is especially sucky when sniping
Like I said, with the new drivers the situation got a little bit better, but the problem is still present.
Most 'slanted' surfaces show bad quantization errors while moving, and the more far away they are, the worse this is.
This is especially evident in the CTF map with the two high towers very far away, walking towards one or the other makes their slanted fronts appear & disappear. This is especially sucky when sniping

Like I said, with the new drivers the situation got a little bit better, but the problem is still present.