I have Expendable retail version from my Creative S3 Savage4 graphics card.
Now I have Matrox Millenium G400 and I want to use EMBM in Expendable ... so I get the patch from Matrox site: "" and I have a problem
When I apply the patch game doesn't work !!!
Black window ,some splitting and back to Windows again
If I move original file go.exe and kill go.exe from patch game works but without EMBM
HELP !!!! - what could I do ?
I have latest version drivers for G400 (number 5.41 - i think so ..)

I have Expendable retail version from my Creative S3 Savage4 graphics card.
Now I have Matrox Millenium G400 and I want to use EMBM in Expendable ... so I get the patch from Matrox site: "" and I have a problem

When I apply the patch game doesn't work !!!
Black window ,some splitting and back to Windows again

If I move original file go.exe and kill go.exe from patch game works but without EMBM

HELP !!!! - what could I do ?
I have latest version drivers for G400 (number 5.41 - i think so ..)