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Jorden...official word on NFS:HS

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  • Jorden...official word on NFS:HS

    First off, my what a nice guy you are! You can put down your blow-torch now.

    A registry hack is the first clue that maybe all is not rosy with D3D on NFS:HS. That's in addition to the fact that both in printed form as well as online and MOST IMPORTANTLY straight from EA's mouth is this answer, and I'm quoting: NFS:HS has been optimised for Glide 3.01 or more recent. It has NOT been optimised for D3D.

    If you have some helpful ideas for our friend with the G400 16 mb problems, that's great. I don't claim to be a Matrox wiz, however I did design ALL the computers which run the plants for the world's largest cigarette maker.

    So please, help is great...sarcasm and flaming remarks are unwarranted. The only thing that matters is that our racing colleague is able to enjoy his system and his/her games.

  • #2
    Go to Electronic Boutique or other major computer retail store and buy two 3DFX V21000 Voodoo2 cards for $79.99 each and hook them together(instructions in box and very easy...2 minute install)
    Well, Shadowhawk, that isn't exactly the way we try to help people on the Matrox Users Resource Centre fori. We try to help them by trying to find out what could be wrong with their registry settings/IRQs/drivers and all that.

    Not by telling them that they have a nice card, and that the game they want to play is only playable if you stick in two 3DFX VOODOO's ... Maybe you think that's the best approach, but then you haven't been around here that long.

    And I may warn you, that if you keep up this approach, you will get a boot.

    Sit back and read some more around here on the different fori before you get back at me again.

    I'm trying to help, whereas you're trying to bully



    • #3
      Jorden, It's me Shadowhawk. I'm changing portals/browsers hence the name change.

      You're right. You win.. Okay? Done.

      I'm having enough trouble battling a spinal disease that most likely will kill me. I really don't feel like arguing which API one game was designed around.
      I'm a fairly prolific writer on how much I love my G400 Max. I own that game...and I have pretty much a killer system so when I read that post I knew what the problem was. It wasn't the card. I never knocked Matrox. It's the API and EA, and I said that. For the record...I bought my G400 Max not because I was dissatisfied with my Xentor 32 TnT2 Ultra. I bought my Matrox because I liked Matrox's never-say-die-we'll-do-it-our-way of telling the two industry bigwigs that speed CAN be coupled with amazing visuals and not FOLLOW, but LEAD. I'll continue to support Matrox because I dig their philosophy. That's all.


      • #4
        That's okay, ExG-Shadowhawk.

        I'm not one who normally woes Matrox into heaven, but giving that person the advice to buy voodoo's doesn't stroke with what we're trying to do here

        He might be using a cracked version of NFS:HS, but I don't think that's the problem. If you use such a version, you mostly get the question to put in the CDROM umpteen of times on screen.

        Reinstalling the game should help, yes. Good advice!

        Now, let's go back to his thread and try the poor guy, shall we? It might be in his Win95, as andrei suggested through ICQ ... Care to follow that view?



        • #5
          however I did design ALL the computers which run the plants for the world's largest cigarette maker
          .. I didn't know tobacco needed computers to grow


          • #6
            There's more in this world that you don't know, Rob M. ....


            • #7
              Well, I'd certainly hope so..


              • #8
                LOL... care to elaborate on that??


                • #9
                  Yeah actually it's kind of another world that ?-? people live in. The plants have HUGE posters of Miller Beer (which also makes them big money) their Nascar team stuff and lots of free cigarettes if you want them (2 cartons per week per person). At the time I DID smoke so...oh, and get this...they sweep the floor near the vats and put the tobacco/? back into the cheaper brands they make. The only one they sell that's ALL top quality tobacco is (it has a red box). So I guess while I was designing the computer systems I kind of got brain-washed into thinking it was a cool company. That was true at all of their mindset. Yes I did profit handsomely for what I did, but now, as sick as I am I can't deny that smoking had something to do with it. Funny how s#$t works, aint it?


                  • #10
                    ExG, I meant elaborate to Rob M. not to you

                    Btw, I smoke as well, so what??


                    Matrox Users Rely on Cheese !!
                    "I wish I could run into you now,
                    If I see you one more time,
                    Maybe I'd feel better."

                    Damn Those Eyes - Kane
                    "I only kiss kiss kiss when the sun don't shine,
                    You want to kiss kiss kiss, then tonight is fine."




                    • #11
                      "Do you smoke after sex?" "I don't know, I never looked."

                      Matrox Users Raise Cabbage
                      Matrox Users Render Continually
                      Matrox Users Roll Cannabis


                      • #12
                        Jord, nothing was wrong with my mom at 30 either.. but i had to watch her die of cancer in '98.

                        Kind Regards,



                        • #13
                          I'd just think it'd be a very boring place if I knew everything...

