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  • q3radiant

    I know this has been hashed out a million times. But.. it has been over ten days since someone last posted this topic. <Dec 19/1999> And since that post a new q3radiant has been released. I'm guessing we're still waiting for a new GL driver? Or has someone got a fix other than renaming G400ICD.DLL (which won't work for NT). If anyone out there doesn't recall what the problem is: When loading any texture the program fails. Lame.

  • #2
    I thought I'd bring this thread back to life from the murks of past threads.<although it is hardly a thread> It seems with this new beta driver that the issues with q3radiant have NOT been fixed. <grumble grumble> If anyone else has any other experiences please post.


    • #3
      It didn't totally work but it's closer. Before I didn't get textures in the 3dview window, and when I tried to load up a new texture set it crashed. Now I do get textures in the 3d window, and everything seems to be ok(MUCH faster than software mode), but when I load up textures it still crashes.

      Robert Duffy who is working on the editor said over in the quake3world forums that matrox told him working drivers would be out in a few weeks.


      • #4
        That makes me very happy.

        So how can the textures appear in the 3d window if the textures haven't been loaded?

        Also. A few weeks? Does this mean that the beta period for these drivers will be over and a new release will be out. Or a new beta will be delivered in a few weeks. Anyways this makes me very happy nonetheless


        • #5
          The textures are loaded, sorry I could've been more specific, it's when they're about to be displayed in the texture window (the last step before you can begin) when it crashes.

          As for a specific driver date/version, I know nothing. Robert Duffy only said 'a few weeks until a working icd will be released'


          • #6
            Rumor has it, Matrox knows about this problem and are working very hard to fix it for the next release.

            Rumor has a lot of things, though...

