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How high can you Oc a G400 Vanilla?

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  • How high can you Oc a G400 Vanilla?

    I got my g400 DH 32mb card up to 150/200 yesterday and had no problems with it in HL and Freespace 2. The only things that I need to know are:

    1)How high can I take it? I read in other posts of 175 core clock speed. At that speed waht are the mem setings (delays and such) I have a Tennmax fan on the way to replace the heatsink, so I'm not worried about heat.

    2) waht's the highest busspeed that the card can handle? I am planning to get a PCPGA Coppermine 100 and Oc it to 150. Giving me a damn near 100mhz agp bus...Can it be done on a Matrox G400?


  • #2
    My Bad that's a FCPGA...I'm planing to kick it up to 750...but at what point does it become worthlees to go any higher (CPU wise) because of the g400's limitations???

    thanx again


    • #3
      Well, running at HQ in 1024 on Q3, I've already got my G400 maxxed out--my celery 550 still has some CPU to spare. So, hate to disappoint, but I think you have more CPU than you need

      I run my vanilla's core at 173, mem at 196 (?) with settings of 2.25/2.5/2.25 Runs fine without a fan.


      • #4
        I dont think you've max'ed out your G400 with your celery, with my P3 560 I'm not reaching the limit ( I see no framerate improvement in 3D Mark 99 MAX at lower res when OC'ing from 125/166 to 160/180 )

        P3 500@560, 192 MB ram, G400 16SH
        "That's right fool! Now I'm a flying talking donkey!"

        P4 2.66, 512 mb PC2700, ATI Radeon 9000, Seagate Barracude IV 80 gb, Acer Al 732 17" TFT


        • #5
          Well I do see improvment mostly in games such as FreeSpace 2 when alot of crap breaks out. I have the highest settings on (1024x768 32bit all the eye-candy turned up). I can say this much: when I'm running it @ 150 there are a hell of alot lees stops and jerks in gameplay


          • #6

            Heh...OK. Well, then I've hit some kind of wall in Q3. Enabling or disabling A3d causes no performance hit, and fiddling with some other options that should only affect the CPU has caused my framerate to stay the same in, I took that as having my card maxxed out.

            Still, I'd like to get a Coppermine just to get the SSE instructions--seems like Q3 can take advantage of them in some situations.


            • #7
              Hate to burst your bubble, but my G400 will only go to 89mhz (138 fsb, 692 CPU) before it freezes whenever it tries to use the AGP bus. Your card might do better, but I wouldn't count on it. If you really want 750mhz you need a non-BX board. I went with BX because I only wanted 667mhz out of my 500E. I've run it at 750, and it'll do it all day--until you run a 3d program. With 3dmark2000 it lasts about five seconds, and then that's all she wrote.

              See my other posts for benchmark scores. Pretty nice, even if the memory on my G400 craps out at 184.

              PIII 500e @667
              Soyo SY6BA+IV
              Iwill Slotket II
              G400 32MB DH @144/180
              Nokia 445Xi 21"
              Aureal Vortex Superquad
              128MB PC133
              IBM DPTA 20.5GB 7200rpm
              Toshiba 8/40 DVD
              PIII 500e @667
              Soyo SY6BA+IV
              Iwill Slotket II
              G400 32MB Max
              Nokia 445Xi 21"
              and POS 14"
              Aureal Vortex Superquad
              256MB PC133
              IBM DPTA 20.5GB 7200rpm
              Toshiba 8/40 DVD

