A few of you have been around long enough to remember all my old Q2 scripts. Well, now that I have Q3A, I have jumped right into scripting up my goodies 
Since my Q2 scripts seemed to be well recieved, I thought I'd toss out my Q3A stuff...you can grab it <A HREF="http://users.forethought.net/~hti/q3script.ZIP" target=_new>HERE!</A>
Here's the skinny on what they do:
Kruzin's Q3A scripts, version 1.1
WARNING: back up your existing autoexec.cfg and q3config.cfg, so you can
switch back to them if these scripts are not to your liking. If you cant
frag no more after installing these scripts, it AINT my problem!
How to install:
1. Create a new folder in your Q3A\baseQ3 folder called scripts.
2. Unzip aliases.cfg, video.cfg, chatter.cfg and control.cfg into
that new scripts folder.
3. Unzip autoexec.cfg into baseQ3.
4. Edit control.cfg to set the key bindings to the keys you want
to use, and to set your name.
5. If you do not want to use my video settings, remove video.cfg
from the autoexec.cfg.
Known issues:
For some reason, I have a snag with my "Rainbow Rail" script. When
the game first loads, your mouse1 button will only fire a short burst.
Scroll the mousewheel UP once, and it will fire normally.
Circle strafes conflict with each other. If you go directly from
CSleft to CSright, the CS comands will reverse, and normal strafing
stops working. Why?
Personal thoughts on Q3A scripting:
WHY did they remove the option to +/- an alias (now a "set")? Why
remove aliases altogether and make us do it with set variables? I
can see where set variables have their positive applications, but
we still need our alias and +/- options. The loss of these are the
cause of my scripting "known issues"
How it is layed out:
Basic controls:
R = move forward
F = backstep
D = strafe left
G = strafe right
T = speed (walk)
S = "circle strafe" left *
H = "circle strafe" right *
spacebar = crouch
1 tru 9 = weapons as usual
mouse1 = shoot
mouse2 = jump
mouse3 = rocket jump
mouse wheel up = next weapon
mouse wheel down = "rainbow rail"**
* "circle strafe" is a toggle movement. Tap the key once to begin "CS"ing, tap
the same key again to stop. DO NOT go directly from CSleft to CSright without
first stopping the CSleft (or visa-versa...see known issues)
**"rainbow rail" is a useless, but cool little script that switches you
to the rail gun, and rotates the rail colors with each shot.
Special Functions:
Z = quickzoom
A = toggle fps display
alt = scores
shift = "wheel zoom"*
*"wheel zoom" will toggle the mouse wheel to a precise zoom in/out scroll
from fov10(zoomed way in) to fov150(fish-eye). Tapping shift again will
snap back to the default FOV (90), and toggle the mouse wheel back to
weapons mode.
F1-F12 are rotating chat messages, totalling about 40-50 things you can say.
Edit chatter.cfg to change what the sayings are (don't want everyone saying
the same things I do
The \ key will toggle the F keys from chatter mode to CTF mode to original assignments.
Have fun
[This message has been edited by Kruzin (edited 22 January 2000).]

Since my Q2 scripts seemed to be well recieved, I thought I'd toss out my Q3A stuff...you can grab it <A HREF="http://users.forethought.net/~hti/q3script.ZIP" target=_new>HERE!</A>
Here's the skinny on what they do:
Kruzin's Q3A scripts, version 1.1
WARNING: back up your existing autoexec.cfg and q3config.cfg, so you can
switch back to them if these scripts are not to your liking. If you cant
frag no more after installing these scripts, it AINT my problem!
How to install:
1. Create a new folder in your Q3A\baseQ3 folder called scripts.
2. Unzip aliases.cfg, video.cfg, chatter.cfg and control.cfg into
that new scripts folder.
3. Unzip autoexec.cfg into baseQ3.
4. Edit control.cfg to set the key bindings to the keys you want
to use, and to set your name.
5. If you do not want to use my video settings, remove video.cfg
from the autoexec.cfg.
Known issues:
For some reason, I have a snag with my "Rainbow Rail" script. When
the game first loads, your mouse1 button will only fire a short burst.
Scroll the mousewheel UP once, and it will fire normally.
Circle strafes conflict with each other. If you go directly from
CSleft to CSright, the CS comands will reverse, and normal strafing
stops working. Why?
Personal thoughts on Q3A scripting:
WHY did they remove the option to +/- an alias (now a "set")? Why
remove aliases altogether and make us do it with set variables? I
can see where set variables have their positive applications, but
we still need our alias and +/- options. The loss of these are the
cause of my scripting "known issues"
How it is layed out:
Basic controls:
R = move forward
F = backstep
D = strafe left
G = strafe right
T = speed (walk)
S = "circle strafe" left *
H = "circle strafe" right *
spacebar = crouch
1 tru 9 = weapons as usual
mouse1 = shoot
mouse2 = jump
mouse3 = rocket jump
mouse wheel up = next weapon
mouse wheel down = "rainbow rail"**
* "circle strafe" is a toggle movement. Tap the key once to begin "CS"ing, tap
the same key again to stop. DO NOT go directly from CSleft to CSright without
first stopping the CSleft (or visa-versa...see known issues)
**"rainbow rail" is a useless, but cool little script that switches you
to the rail gun, and rotates the rail colors with each shot.
Special Functions:
Z = quickzoom
A = toggle fps display
alt = scores
shift = "wheel zoom"*
*"wheel zoom" will toggle the mouse wheel to a precise zoom in/out scroll
from fov10(zoomed way in) to fov150(fish-eye). Tapping shift again will
snap back to the default FOV (90), and toggle the mouse wheel back to
weapons mode.
F1-F12 are rotating chat messages, totalling about 40-50 things you can say.
Edit chatter.cfg to change what the sayings are (don't want everyone saying
the same things I do

The \ key will toggle the F keys from chatter mode to CTF mode to original assignments.
Have fun

[This message has been edited by Kruzin (edited 22 January 2000).]