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  • FF8 PC

    Hey all! (4th darn account )
    Does anyone know the system requirements of the PC version of FF8? I'm thinking of getting it... heheheheh
    Would'nt it be great if Matrox makes a EMBMed version of FF8?

  • #2
    What system do you have. It should run on a rather low end system, since most of the stuff is just 2D. I mean, how much resources can a PSX game realy require. I ran the demo on a PIII 450, which is probably way past the minumum requirements. I am looking forward to this game, as I started playing it on the PSX and then stopped when I saw they'll be releasing it for the PC, which will undoubtedly look so much nicer, especially the video clips.

    So, anyway to answer your question, if you're sitting on a PII, with a G200 I should think it would run okay...

    Bumpmapping would be nice, but I couldn't really see a use for it in the game, maybe on the GF's for sure...


    • #3
      This game is cool, I completed the PSX version in Japanese. I also played the demo of it in PC without any slowdown at all, which the game looks much better. I would expect it does not require a high end system to play, as Broken said the game engin is mainly in 2D with little render to do, except in battle and the world map.


      • #4
        Go see the squaresoft web site, the requirements are there...


        • #5
          P111 500
          256mb SD RAM
          17GB H.D.D.
          SB Live Deluxe
          Matrox G400 32 MB Dual-Head


          the game was out three days ago, but I still can't seem to find any information abotu system requirements. Not that I don't think my CPU won't run it PERFECTLY but I'm just interested to know.


          • #6
            I just got the game and its having awful slow down in the most grahic scenes of fighting. I cant figure out what i need to do! I get good performance in Q3A and UT.

            PIII 533 (133 bus)
            128 PC133
            ATA 66 Quantom 13G
            PCI 128 SB
            G400 (non MAX)


            • #7
              I just put in my 8 Mb Monster II and it runs just fine with it though. This sucks that a 32 Mb card cant handle this game! I mean talk about poorly written drivers.


              • #8
                I downloaded the demo and it runs smooooth on Win2K,P3@560,G400MAX. Looks like it would even run on a 286... well some parts.
                I haven't tried W98 yet, but you may want to try the G400 reghack to enable palettized textures. FF8 makes use of PT but you have to enable it in the drivers.
                P3@600 | Abit BH6 V1.01 NV | 256MB PC133 | G400MAX (EU,AGP2X) | Quantum Atlas 10K | Hitachi CDR-8330 | Diamond FirePort 40 | 3c905B-TX | TB Montego A3D(1) | IntelliMouse Explorer | Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 17 | Win2K/NT4


                • #9
                  Ahem... Don't bother trying palettized textures. It's much slower and pretty buggy.

                  Strange enough FF8 runs better with Win2K than W98. Not by much, but it's smoother.
                  P3@600 | Abit BH6 V1.01 NV | 256MB PC133 | G400MAX (EU,AGP2X) | Quantum Atlas 10K | Hitachi CDR-8330 | Diamond FirePort 40 | 3c905B-TX | TB Montego A3D(1) | IntelliMouse Explorer | Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 17 | Win2K/NT4

