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Best looking G400 Game

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  • Best looking G400 Game


    What is the best looking G400 Game?
    either something that shows how great dual monitor can be or something that shows how nice Bump Mapping is ingame!


    Top Cat

  • #2
    Hello Top_Cat,

    You can try the 3DMARK 2000 demo and especially the enviromental BM part. It looks a lot better than the other BM tests. Or Slave Zero, Expandable, and soon Batlecruiser 3020AD.
    for a complete list:

    N'joy your flight

    What I like about computing?2 much 2 mention
    What I like about computing?2 much 2 mention


    • #3
      Don't forget Battlezone 2.

      The Rock


      • #4
        battlezone 2 gets my vote!


        • #5
          if you wanna show of the dh, go for microsoft baseball, flight sim 2k, or renegade racers, all are awesome in dual head mode.



          • #6
            Whats great about Battlezone II? Im not flaming anyone here, but all the enivronments seemed blocky and squarish in the screenshots I saw at Gamespot. I mean... QUAKE squarish... Those models have fewer polygons than a box has sides! (okay, exaguration)

            But really, it must be a pretty smooth game!

            So like... where does it make up for low poly counts?


            • #7
              Don't base all your conclusions on screenshots. You haven't seen the weather effects, explosions, heard the soundeffects, played the game, and the Bumpmapping!! Great bumpmapping!
              Euhm, and about the polygoncount? PLay the demo (non EMBM only ) then think about it again.

              Battlezone2 gets my vote too, next is Drakan.
              In case it's a harware problem:
              PIII-500@560, 256 MB, G400 MAX DH on, ABIT BH6, MX300
              Win2K drivers: 5.52


              • #8
                My vote is for Drakan(although I haven't tried bz2)It looks great@1024x768, runs smooth as silk, and has the best(i've seen)bumpmapping effect on the dragon's body.Too bad the game ending sucks so bad.


                • #9
                  I have BZ2 need a Supercomputer to run all the bells

                  Q3 is the best looking game hands down !!

                  PIII-450@600, 128 HDSRAM, Asus P3BF, G400/32, SBLive!,Brand stinkin' new Sony G400 19", (no Dual head) Nokia 447Xi 17",AOPEN DVD-1040 10x slot,PLEXTOR 8x4x32 ATAPI CD-RW,PromiseULtra66, and some fish,


                  • #10
                    Don't forget the original question included:"something that shows how nice Bump Mapping is ingame!"


                    • #11
                      I'll go with Drakan as well.
                      EMBM water and dragon scales.
                      Awesome colors.
                      Great stencil buffered shadows.
                      Real-time lighting effect.
                      Tight-bodied redhead wigglin her behind as she runs through the maps

                      Most of the monsters models are very blocky, but it's made up for in great skinning and effects (I love slicing an ogre's face or arm off, and watching him spurt blood onto the walls )
                      Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


                      • #12
                        Waitaminit. _Was_ there an ending? This had to be the most blatant 'Pretty please buy our sequel' ending to an otherwise beautiful game.

                        Also, the winged blondes didn't have enough polygons (though the shape and proportions were just right <g>)


                        [This message has been edited by PrancingPussy (edited 02 February 2000).]


                        • #13
                          To me, it wasn't the obvious "buy the sequel" part of the ending that bothered me - it was the pathetic four-dragon heads stupidity that *really* sucked. It took me all of 5 minutes to dispatch them, and I didn't need a single health potion to do it. Couldn't they have been a bit more imaginative? They were doing so well up until then.

                          People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...


                          • #14
                            Ya know, even without dualhead and bump mapping, I say Freespace 2. Crank all the gfx options all the way up, run it at 1024x768 and you have a INCREDIBLY good looking game going.
                            A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.

