I just got and installed the latest and greatest win2k beta from matrox, and the q3a performance was great in single cpu mode.(twice as fast as the old ones! yay)
It crashed after running timedemos [hard reset required] and probably would have after a regular game too. It only happened once the demo was done and i was in the menu or console screens.
SMP mode was still slower than single cpu mode (~37 vs ~42) and as an added bonus, looks like this:
(warning, 90k file)
if you are listening matrox, i would really like this fixed. =)
any ideas?
other than those issues, the new drivers are great! They even work with q3radiant now (only tested in win98), which is a dream come true.. no more MS opengl for me..
It crashed after running timedemos [hard reset required] and probably would have after a regular game too. It only happened once the demo was done and i was in the menu or console screens.
SMP mode was still slower than single cpu mode (~37 vs ~42) and as an added bonus, looks like this:
(warning, 90k file)
if you are listening matrox, i would really like this fixed. =)
any ideas?
other than those issues, the new drivers are great! They even work with q3radiant now (only tested in win98), which is a dream come true.. no more MS opengl for me..