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New Win98 Drivers Slower than 5.00 drivers?

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  • New Win98 Drivers Slower than 5.00 drivers?

    My computer must be smoking crack. Has anyone noticed that the new G400 5.00.10 drivers are slower than the 5.41 drivers in UT and Unreal in D3D? Somewhere along the way I dropped about 10 fps on the flyby in Unreal (34-35 fps, WTF?!?!). And Unreal Tournament is really jerky compared to what it USED to run like. It used to run between 50 and 60 fps now it struggles to hit 30!!!

    Here's my system Specs:
    Abit BP6 w/ 366 @ 550 Celeron
    Matrox G400 SH 16 megger
    Netgear 10 100
    IBM 15.2 GB ATA-66

    Does anyone have any idea what's happening here?

    Travis L. Knodel

    P.S. Sorry folks, the old drivers were version 5.41, not version 5.5

    [This message has been edited by Travis L. Knodel (edited 15 February 2000).]
    Travis L. Knodel
    ICQ 5570732

    Abit BP6
    Dual Celeron 366@523 Mhz
    Matrox G400 16MB SH
    IBM ATA66 15.2 GB HD w/ 2MB cache
    WD UDMA33 4.3 GB POS HD
    Acer 40X CD Rom
    Memorex 1622 2x2x6 CD-RW
    Internal NEC Zip100
    Netgear 10/100 Ethernet
    Diamond Monster Sound MX300
    Altec Lansing ACS 295
    Proview 17" Monitor
    224 MBs generic PC100 RAM

  • #2
    Egads! I thought it was just me. Does seem a bit slower with the latest beta then before.
    PIII 700@960, Asus CUSL2, Adaptec 29160, 2x Seagate Barracuda 18.2GB, SB LIve!, 3COM 3C905TX, 256MB Muskin Rev. 2 PC133 at 2-2-2, G400MAX soon the be replaced with ?.


    • #3
      Sometimes people forget switching off vsync again after installation of new drivers.


      • #4
        Crap, 5.50.05 was so fast! Why did they even replace the D3D driver, there was nothing wrong with it!!


        • #5
          You ever feel so stupid about something that you're so ashamed of it that you feel like posting on it to everyone on the net?

          Well here was my problem:
          you know those little demons in your head that do little mischevious things like turn the CPU cache in the Bios off? well one of those got to me!!!

          My mistake guys, thanks for your comments... guess I'll try the new drivers with the cache on my 550 Celeron ENABLED! (duh!)

          Travis L. Knodel

          P.S. UT, Unreal, and Q3A run great now, wonder why?!?!?!
          Travis L. Knodel
          ICQ 5570732

          Abit BP6
          Dual Celeron 366@523 Mhz
          Matrox G400 16MB SH
          IBM ATA66 15.2 GB HD w/ 2MB cache
          WD UDMA33 4.3 GB POS HD
          Acer 40X CD Rom
          Memorex 1622 2x2x6 CD-RW
          Internal NEC Zip100
          Netgear 10/100 Ethernet
          Diamond Monster Sound MX300
          Altec Lansing ACS 295
          Proview 17" Monitor
          224 MBs generic PC100 RAM


          • #6
            I suspect there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I've seen a couple of problems on the forums recently that appear to be related to the same thing. I suspect people disable it when they disable video caching and shadowing.


