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  • #16
    Homeworld anyone?



    Config: AOPen AX6BC Pro II Millenium Edition, P2 400@500, 128MB PC133 RAM, SB Live!, Netgear 10/100, Adapted 2940U2W SCSI adapter, Seagate Barracuda 4.3GB UW, Quantum Atlas III 9.1GB U2W, Yamaha 4416S writer, Pioneer 36X SCSI CD reader, STB Blackmagic V2 (SLI) - removed after new TurboGL, Matrox G400MAX, Viewsonic PS790 and G773, Win98SE



    Config: Abit BE6-II r1, PIII 700E@933, 256MB PC133 RAM (CAS2), SB Live!, Intel 82558 10/100 Net Adapter, IBM 13.5 GXP IDE HD, Adaptec 2940U2W SCSI Host Adapter, Quantum Atlas III 9.1GB U2W SCSI HD, Yamaha 4416S writer, Pioneer 36X SCSI CD-ROM, Matrox G400MAX (Yeah!), Viewsonic PS790 and E771, Win98SE and NT4


    • #17
      Why people just considering FPS?
      I think there are alot of good games out there. My pick will be Freespace 2 and patched Sports Car GT, both multi-player and single-player.

      [This message has been edited by Marcelo (edited 16 February 2000).]


      • #18
        Well, here's my .02 about games and stuff. Personally, for online games, I still think TFC is a blast. On a lan if I want competitive gaming, I go UT (Assault and domination baby!), or if I wanna release some stress I go Q3A (deathmatch).

        Also something to play multiplayer and is just tons of fun, especially on a LAN with RogerWilco going, is Rogue Spear.

        But definitly if I wanted to say story and immersiveness, Freespace 2, as well as having the best gfx around. Homeworld is cool too story wise, but it's waaay to hard for a non-RTS gamer like myself.

        I finished System Shock 2 and I definitly liked it a lot, but honestly? I still think the first one was better all things considered. Another sleeper if you liked SS2 is Omikron, Nomad Soul. It is pretty long and fun, just has some quirks that make it hard to take for some people.

        OpFor was a waste of cash. I bought it as soon as it was out. It's like replaying HL, only easy and half as long.

        [This message has been edited by Genom (edited 16 February 2000).]
        A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.


        • #19
          I actually agree that playing multiplayer game is fun, I also stuck with UT(assualt) on multiplayer.


          • #20
            Well my favs are:

            Ultima 9(even though I was let down by the short ending which left so much unanswered)

            System shock 2

            Ultima 1-8 hehe




            Sorry Quake 2 and 3 blow hard

            <A HREF="
            " TARGET=_blank>
            <A HREF="
            " TARGET=_blank>


            • #21
              Well my favs are:

              Ultima 9(even though I was let down by the short ending which left so much unanswered)

              System shock 2

              Ultima 1-8 hehe




              Sorry Quake 2 and 3 blow hard

              <A HREF="
              " TARGET=_blank>
              <A HREF="
              " TARGET=_blank>


              • #22
                whats TFC? Tribes?

                [This message has been edited by blades (edited 17 February 2000).]


                • #23
                  95% of my online time is playing TFC. I'd like to try Counterstrike but dont' feel like downloading it on 56k (DSL sched. for next week!).

                  You can find me sniping at Keyser or at NuNet - don't stand still or Fenster will punish you...

                  Kruzin, I'll try the server you listed and see what connection I get. Always looking for new meat.

                  I play Q3 occasionally but blow. If I play, it's team death matches so I last a bit longer.
                  PIII 550@605
                  IWill Motherboard VD133
                  VIA Chipset
                  512MB PC133 CAS2 Crucial
                  G400 DH 32MB (6.51 Drivers)
                  DirectX 8.0a
                  SB Live! Value
                  8x DVD (Toshiba)
                  6x4x24 CDRW (Sony)
                  Intel Pro/100+ NIC
                  3Com CMX Cable Modem
                  Optiquest V95 19"
                  HP 812C Color Ink Jet
                  Microtek flatbed scanner
                  Intellimouse Explorer
                  Surround Sound w/two subwoofers
                  AND WAY TOO MANY GAMES!!!


                  • #24
                    I'm going with Pete.
                    TFC is great, but Counterstrike is even better. totally addictive.
                    It,s less a frag fest, and you have to use stealth and strategy on that one (well most of the time).
                    Athlon64 4800+
                    Asus A8N deluxe
                    2 gig munchkin ddr 500
                    eVGA 7800 gtx 512 in SLI
                    X-Fi Fatality
                    HP w2207


                    • #25
                      Q3Fortress is gonna ROCK!


                      • #26
                        Just i quick note to all TFC fans..

                        Try out the COUNTERSTRIKE - Half-Life mod allso.. its even better than TFC. =) Its a mod where you play as terrorist or a swat-team member..

                        Interested ? Just surf to



                        • #27
                          hey kruzin/rags, i did see you online yesterday,which leaves me with only ONE question, do you normally play in the evening or sometimes during the day on weekends???
                          Here is my system config:Athlon XP+ 2000, 1024MB SDRAM,EpOX EP9XA (or something)<b>Matrox Parhelia </b>
                          WinXP Professional SP1
                          Hercules Fortissimo III 7.1
                          3COM 905C


                          • #28
                            Mostly in the evening. Sometimes on the weekends, but not as much...
                            Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


                            • #29
                              -Try all the Wing Commander series
                              -All the Tex Murphy Series.
                              -Journeyman Project (all of them)
                              -11th hour
                              -7th Guest
                              -Sports car GT


