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dual processor and g400 dh performance

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  • dual processor and g400 dh performance

    Yes...i will build a dual celeron machine on an abit bp6?(dunno if its right) anyone having troubles w/ games w/ dual cpu's what do i need to know to get optimal performance? and i heard that matrox drivers sucks w/ dual cpu..why? and for those w/ dual cpu please tell me how performance is on UT/Q3

    -=blades=- the UT/Q3 server only on when someone post here that they would like to play on the server?? cause ive been trying and i cant seem to connect...and if i do i get ping on the *,000's

  • #2
    Blades, right now, both 3dfx and Matrox appear to be having problems with SMP support and games. NVidia is ahead as far as SMP support goes, but they were, until very recently, having problems as well. I suspect this is something videocard manufacturers never had to worry about before, and they just haven't gotten it working.

    Once everything is working, you shouldn't expect a big increase in performance in UT or any game other than Quake3. Right now, I believe only Q3 supports this feature. With a TNT2U, I've seen average FPS increase by 20-30%.



    • #3
      Dual Celeron here, didn't work to good with almost any 3D games (UT, Unreal, Quake3) so I'm using one processor in Win 98SE until the drivers are sorted out.

      Travis L. Knodel
      ICQ 5570732

      Abit BP6
      Dual Celeron 366@523 Mhz
      Matrox G400 16MB SH
      IBM ATA66 15.2 GB HD w/ 2MB cache
      WD UDMA33 4.3 GB POS HD
      Acer 40X CD Rom
      Memorex 1622 2x2x6 CD-RW
      Internal NEC Zip100
      Netgear 10/100 Ethernet
      Diamond Monster Sound MX300
      Altec Lansing ACS 295
      Proview 17" Monitor
      224 MBs generic PC100 RAM

      Travis L. Knodel
      ICQ 5570732

      Abit BP6
      Dual Celeron 366@523 Mhz
      Matrox G400 16MB SH
      IBM ATA66 15.2 GB HD w/ 2MB cache
      WD UDMA33 4.3 GB POS HD
      Acer 40X CD Rom
      Memorex 1622 2x2x6 CD-RW
      Internal NEC Zip100
      Netgear 10/100 Ethernet
      Diamond Monster Sound MX300
      Altec Lansing ACS 295
      Proview 17" Monitor
      224 MBs generic PC100 RAM


      • #4
        i have a similar system (see sig for details) and here's what i've found (for q3):

        nt4: dont even bother. drivers are pitiful
        win2k: previous beta drivers crashed half the time in single cpu mode, worked in smp mode but were slightly slower and looked really wierd ( ) unless you ran it in windowed mode, in which case it looked normal but was still slower than single cpu mode. About as fast as win98 at best.
        linux: 32 bit mode is slow and painful, 16 bit mode is fast, smp support didnt do anything (i didnt notice any change afterinstalling the point release either)
        16 bit mode is as fast as 98 in 32bit, but there is no gamma adjustment, and it's really dark (grr)
        win98: latest drivers have wierd biasing problems (flickery shadows and marks on walls) but are otherwise nice and fast.

        i havent tried the latest win2k driver yet. i uh... well let's just say win2k isnt working too well right now (and dont play in the registry!).. I'll check back next weekend after i 'fix' it.

        Dual celeron 366@550
        abit bp6
        128mb ram
        9gb udma/66
        18gb udma/66(running on the udma/33 controller)
        g400 32mb DH
        yamaha 4416e 4x4x16 cdrw
        creative 2x dvd drive
        mx300sound + mx25 digital out (a3d digital sound, baby)
        generic ne2000 isa netcard

        Dual celeron 366@550
        abit bp6
        128mb ram
        9gb udma/66
        18gb udma/66(running on the udma/33 controller)
        g400 32mb DH
        yamaha 4416e 4x4x16 cdrw
        creative 2x dvd drive
        mx300sound + mx25 digital out (a3d digital sound, baby)
        generic ne2000 isa netcard


        • #5
          I've had the same problem, it doesn't seem like matrox will ever release a problem-free NT4 driver that supports smp =( and i have a g200!!! i've been waiting nearly years! (well it seems like it) anyways, uh, well my only solution for ya is to dual boot. i know its stupid (whats the point of having smp workstation), but it works. i honestly luv matrox 2d (especially in photoshop)...but when it comes right down to it, i play quake. i got smp/nt4. and the 3d performance ain't hackin it. =(
          dual 366@567 2.2v / epox kp6-bs / 384mb sdram / g200 8mb sg (5.41 win98/4.3nt4)/ dual 9.1gb WD expert / promise ultra66 / yamaha xg724 / 3com 905b / usr 56k voice / ricoh 7060a burner / creative 40x ...and one ugly mutha fan!


          • #6
            You wil not get much out of w2k....
            I've just installed a G400 instead of a voodoo 3k, and quake 3, Unreal (BC3k, for blades) crash *up* !!

            the driver are not stable, crash up, even with a OGL screensaver !


            • #7
              hey nufan why are you using the

              the 18gb udma/66 on the udma/33 controller?

              twobombs yeah is it that bad?? are you using the final release?

