Has anyone got them all to work reliably? I have a dual p3 (600) setup with 256meg ram and the 5.03 drivers but Quake3 keeps crashing causing the whole system to go down. In fact, with just win2k itself the screen occasionally becomes grabled and I need to reboot. I pressume that this is due to the drivers. Any solutions?
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G400, win2k & Quake3
I can only confirm that Quake III doesn't work Goat. I have an SMP system too and on a fresh install of Windows 2000, the system locks up hard after the id movie. I've got the newest drivers and the latest bios, so to answer your question, yes, it's the drivers. Check out the SMP thread in the hardware section of the forum. Chucky Cheese and I have discussed this to the MAX.
Travis L. Knodel
ICQ 5570732
Abit BP6
Dual Celeron 366@523 Mhz
Matrox G400 16MB SH
IBM ATA66 15.2 GB HD w/ 2MB cache
Acer 40X CD Rom
Memorex 1622 2x2x6 CD-RW
Internal NEC Zip100
Netgear 10/100 Ethernet
Diamond Monster Sound MX300
Altec Lansing ACS 295
Proview 17" Monitor
224 MBs generic PC100 RAM
Travis L. Knodel
ICQ 5570732
Abit BP6
Dual Celeron 366@523 Mhz
Matrox G400 16MB SH
IBM ATA66 15.2 GB HD w/ 2MB cache
Acer 40X CD Rom
Memorex 1622 2x2x6 CD-RW
Internal NEC Zip100
Netgear 10/100 Ethernet
Diamond Monster Sound MX300
Altec Lansing ACS 295
Proview 17" Monitor
224 MBs generic PC100 RAM
I've got Quake3 to work but it crashes intermitently. Sometimes it will last for 1/2hour, other times it will crash in 5mins. It seems to depend heavily on the Q3 settings. Try setting everything to low/off and set resolution to something like 640x480. It should then at least let you play it (at least it did for me) if crashing occasionally. The performace sucks BTW but at least you can play......
Hmmm. Works fine for me, and I'm getting good performance, about 70fps with everything turned off and tweaked at 800X600 on an Athlon 700. It plays very well. I do get an occasional "sound skipping" hang, but the Dell drives for my SoundBlaster Line Value seem to help that.
My own observations with my single CPU P3-450 are that UT runs flawlessly and has never locked once. Quake 3 on the other hand has never even STARTED properly for me, not ONCE. I'm running Win2k Build 2195 on an Asus P2B mobo with 129megs RAM and plain G400 single head 32meg.
The RockBart