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Compare Q3 Scores please...

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  • Compare Q3 Scores please...

    Can anyone please compare their Q3:A scores with me?
    timedemo 1
    demo demo001
    1024x768 32bit everything
    and max all the settings for details...etc...

    I am only getting 21.3 fps
    and around 30fps with bilinear and medium settings

    PIII 550E@733
    ASUS P3V4X
    SBLive! TGL...(I get white flicker screen if I use TGL)

    Sanjuro Makabe

    Pentium 4B 2.26GHz
    Samsung 512MB Rambus-T
    ATI 8500 Retail
    SB Audigy Plat. ex+
    WinXP Pro SP1

  • #2
    With my lowly BX (ABit BE6) running my coppermine 550 at 733, with a G400 16MB OEM clocked at Max speed I get the following:

    1024, All settings on max with Trilinear filtering ON---32.0 Fps
    same as above but with Bilinear and detail slider bumped down one notch---39.6 FPS



    • #3
      What is wrong with your setups, guys? or is it just my 174mhz vanilla making all the difference?

      on fastest at 640x480x16 i get 55,5 fps,

      with all at max at 640x480x16 but, bilinear, and high geometry complexity i get 45,5fps
      changing the depth do 32bits i get 43 fps

      with all at max at 800x600x16, bilinear, and high geometry i get 44.3fps

      on default high quality setting i get 39fps(trilinear) and 43fps(bilinear)

      hail to king, baby or g400 for that matter

      All of this with TGL 1.3
      P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
      128mb pc133 cas2
      13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
      16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

      about myself
      UT Slave
      Q3 pisser
      Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
      U9 stupid buyer
      Rally2000 pilot


      • #4
        hey!!! what´s wrong with me?

        P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
        128mb pc133 cas2
        13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
        16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

        about myself
        UT Slave
        Q3 pisser
        Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
        U9 stupid buyer
        Rally2000 pilot
        P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
        128mb pc133 cas2
        13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
        16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

        about myself
        UT Slave
        Q3 pisser
        Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
        U9 stupid buyer
        Rally2000 pilot


        • #5
          Good question leporis what IS wrong with you? Can't read, or what??...try the settings that I posted.



          • #6

            I just ran demo001 on fastest settings 640X480--89.1 FPS



            • #7
              Well that was strange!

              rags i did thos e settings and i get 16fps with trilinear and 34fps with the detail bar droped to the 2nd higher

              I guess i can blaime my agp1x for that, What do you say?
              P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
              128mb pc133 cas2
              13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
              16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

              about myself
              UT Slave
              Q3 pisser
              Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
              U9 stupid buyer
              Rally2000 pilot


              • #8
                Rags, those 39 fps are quite low aren´t they?
                what´s your agp speed? it must be 1x, right?
                P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
                128mb pc133 cas2
                13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
                16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

                about myself
                UT Slave
                Q3 pisser
                Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
                U9 stupid buyer
                Rally2000 pilot


                • #9
                  I get;
                  everything at the max 32 z-buffer trilinear 32 z-buffer
                  1280x1024x32 13.5

                  without 32 z-buffer:
                  1280x1024x32 16.7
                  1024x768x32 25.5

                  withou z-buffer and bilinear:
                  1024x768x32 34.4

                  irq 11 for the G400
                  a little to low i think, but i don't know what else to do but the imagequality is the best i've ever seen, that's holding me off of buying a GeForce
                  P3 550@682 pd 552 tbgl 1.3 g400max 169/211


                  • #10
                    Rags - sorry to go OT but any tips RE O/C that CPU?. Thanks!

                    Hmm that was jargon-tastic!


                    • #11
                      The only thing I can say is that I got a good retail 550E, using the stock HSF, have an ABit BE6, and the G400 allows the AGP to be overclocked. At 825, I had to have the voltage bumped up to 1.7 and the CAS timing for memory set to 3. I run it at 733 with my own memory set to CAS 3, and I have AGP 2X enabled by default both in win2k and win98.



                      • #12
                        Rages, is it a flip chip CPU or did you get one of the new Slot 1 550E's?


                        [This message has been edited by paulcs (edited 12 March 2000).]


                        • #13
                          Sanjuro, it's your motherboard. I have one too.

                          In Quake3, I got a frame rate drop of 20 FPS from my BX scores after installing the P3V4X and the not so magical 4.17 VIA drivers. (All the other components are the same.)

                          I have to admit, I'm not very familiar with the chipset, but the early results aren't encouraging.



                          • #14

                            It is a Flip Chip in an ABit SlotKET III



                            • #15
                              I posted this topic not because I really want to get the best scores in Q3...I wouldn't mind though...hehe....I am not really into Q3 anyways...UT is still the best...just that some other games might use Q3 engine...and a better performance in OpenGL might be a good idea...

                              I have the 4.17 4in1 drivers, 1003.01 bios, PD5.52...and still struggling in getting TGL to work...I can only get TGL1.3 to work when I am using the version 4 of the AGP drivers and PD5.30...for now...I guess I'll have to wait until the next release of the bios...*sigh*...

                              it's sad to say that my previous PII450 + BH6 is no different than my PIII550@733 + VIA rite now...very wierd...
                              Sanjuro Makabe

                              Pentium 4B 2.26GHz
                              ASUS P4T-EA
                              Samsung 512MB Rambus-T
                              ATI 8500 Retail
                              SB Audigy Plat. ex+
                              WinXP Pro SP1

