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Compare Q3 Scores please...

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  • #16
    Here's a detailed account of my Q3A bench marks (actually they're a few 10ths of a second FASTER with the new Turbo GL) at

    P3 450, 128 mb ram, Creative PCI 16, Intel SE440BX2, G400 Max, Viewsonic E771.
    P3 450, 128 mb ram, Creative PCI 16, Intel SE440BX2, G400 Max, Win 98 se, Viewsonic E771.


    • #17
      5.03 drivers
      128 megs ram
      asus P2B
      PII 400 @ 448

      bilinear filter

      r_colorbits 32
      r_texturebits 16 // saves memory and notice
      // no difference between 32
      r_vertexlight 0 // using lightmap
      r_subdivisions 20 // low detail
      r_lodbias 1 // medium detail models
      r_dynamicLight 0

      // these are tweaks i use not part of game
      // menu
      com_hunkMegs 72 // should be 3/4 of total
      // mem, if not running server
      cg_shadows 0
      cg_marks 0 // don't miss looks dumb
      cg_gibs 0 // this is good boost still
      // see blood and skull pop off
      cg_draw3dIcons 0 // 2-3 fps boost get 2d
      // icons instead, worth it

      Time demo 1 : 60.7fps

      with r_dynamicLights 1 : 57.7fps
      // and high detail
      + r_sudivisions 4, r_lodbias 0 : 52.8fps

      A person should not promise to give a child something and then not give it,
      because in that way the child learns to lie.
      Babylonian Talmud


      • #18
        Hi Sanjurno,
        Here are my test results - same settings as your original note with sound on:
        Win98se VIA4.17 23.9 fps
        P3V4X, G400max-5.52, PIII600fc @800


        • #19
          Hi Dwright,
          Thanks for your reply, coz you have similar specs as's kind of pointless to post replies if the specs are different...rite?...

          I have a 550E SECC2 @ 733 and the q3 scores is not much different than your 800...I guess this proves one thing...WE NEED NEW BIOS and DRIVERS!!...BTW are you using TGL?
          coz I can't get TGL1 or 1.3 to work on PD5.52...only in PD5.3 with AGP4.0...I really hope ASUS release bios more often or just fix it up...and I hope Matrox can make TGL to work properly on non-Intel chipsets..
          anyways...thanks everyone for replying...
          Sanjuro Makabe

          Pentium 4B 2.26GHz
          ASUS P4T-EA
          Samsung 512MB Rambus-T
          ATI 8500 Retail
          SB Audigy Plat. ex+
          WinXP Pro SP1


          • #20
            maybe i am a little bit out of date with my cpu, but my specs:

            800*600* 32bit, all thingies you can imagine on

            ~28,5 tgl 1.30
            ~29,5 5.52, but some minor texturing problems

            abit be6, celeron 300a@450, djna 13,5gb, g400 32mb dh


            • #21
              Guess I'm successful in my tweaking. Getting 33.3 FPS at 1024*768 32 bit trilinear, everything max.
              5.52 drivers and running win98.

              My system being Cel 300@495, MSI6163PRO, Vanilla G400 32MB @ 170/189/170, 128MB RAM


              • #22
                Well its out of contect here with all your guy's benchies but heres what I can tell you, I run a PIII 450 o/c to 600 and a G400DH vanilla o/c to max speeds.
                Abit BX6-2, 128 mb pc133.

                Now I have a custom cfg but generally I run 800x600 16bit. Its simply the best view/perf ratio. 1024 doesn't appear to be a huge difference in actual on screen appearance yet is a huge framerate hit.
                As a rule I dont play with my weapon drawn as it is distracting and takes resources to draw. I also have simple items on, blood and gibs off (get 4 guys exploding in a huge fight and observe the slide show).
                I have detail at medium and textures one click back from full.
                Now Im at work right now so I can't post bench marks but I play with showfps on. I have my frames capped at 125. I avg roughly 100fps. In any tight areas I max out at 125 and in very large rooms and firefights I dip as low as 60-70. That worst case, generally , like I say 100 avg.

                I have been an avid Quaker since Q1 and these are just the frames i expect. Most of you probably wont want to sacrifice the eye candy here but in a deathmatch senario I don't have the time to stop and stare. At the settings I play with I can honestly say it still looks "rad" and yet plays silky smooth in all situations. If I was playing a rpg or some similar genre that didnt require me to "flick" react to stimuli I would ofcourse turn everything right up.
                Anyways just my 2 cents. Quake 3 engine runs great on my stuff, funny that I get worse performance playing Counter Strike (HALF LIFE) than Quake 3. Older engine......blah


                • #23
                  Hi Sanjurno,
                  I tried turbogl and it did not work, I just got a flashing screen. I did not want to go to older drivers and have heard that turbogl is not effective at 1024*768 (just lower resolutions).
                  With the "normal" setting I get 59 to 60 fps in win98se with 4.17 and 69 to 70 in win2000.
                  I think this shows there is room for improvement in the drivers for win98.


                  • #24
                    Anand was speculating as to what the problem with the board was in that article. Since then, Tom Pabst discovered and Anand confirmed that the issue lies with the board's AGP driver. The AGP driver from 4.17 corrects the problem when used along with the busmastering driver from the 4.20 set.

                    This has been my experience as well.

                    All four of the 4.17 drivers produced dismal Quake3 scores with BIOS 1002 final.

                    The 4.17 AGP driver along with the 4.20 busmastering driver produced respectable Quake3 scores with both BIOS 1002 and 1003.1 BETA.

                    Using *only* the 4.17 drivers and BIOS 1003.1 Beta produced an improvement of about 10 FPS over 4.17 and BIOS 1002, but these were still about 10 FPS below the 4.17/4.20 combination.



                    • #25
                      wow...thx Paulcs,
                      I will try that tonite...BTW...does anyone know if the new bios 1003.02 is better? or the same as 1003.01? All I know is that the boot up screen no longer says 733EB but just 733...wierd

                      PIII550E SECC2 @ 733
                      ASUS P3V4X
                      Sanjuro Makabe

                      Pentium 4B 2.26GHz
                      ASUS P4T-EA
                      Samsung 512MB Rambus-T
                      ATI 8500 Retail
                      SB Audigy Plat. ex+
                      WinXP Pro SP1


                      • #26
                        People on the Asus newsgroup are claiming it's the exact same thing as 1003.1 beta, but the word beta has been removed. I couldn't tell you for sure. There certainly wasn't a lot of time between releases. (Was it two or three days?)

                        People seem to be upgrading just to get rid of the word "beta." I guess they don't like seeing it when they boot up their machines.



                        • #27
                          But the thing is, I don't really mind the "Beta"...just that when I O/C my 550E to 733...previous versions of the BIOS will say 733EB...but now it only say 733...I'd rather see the EB than getting rid of the Beta...anyways...keep me informed if there are any other improvements for the board. Thanks
                          Sanjuro Makabe

                          Pentium 4B 2.26GHz
                          ASUS P4T-EA
                          Samsung 512MB Rambus-T
                          ATI 8500 Retail
                          SB Audigy Plat. ex+
                          WinXP Pro SP1


                          • #28
                            I will.

                            Sanjuro, have you been able to determine what revision of the board you have been using? I can't find reference to it on the PCB, and Asus's utility says I have revision 1.XXXXX," which is not a lot of help.

                            As far as I know, the latest revision is 1.02.



                            • #29
                              Hi Sanjuro!! Do you play Shogo? Just curious, that is my favorite online game.

                              p3-500, 128mb, g400max, wd hd, promise, 3com ethernet connected to our school's 400mbits of bandwidth...

                              p3-500, 128mb, g400max, wd hd, promise, 3com


                              • #30
                                Paulcs: I don't quite know what revision I do I find out? whats the diff between revisions? I got it last week...I assume it's the newest one...would the serial number tell me?

                                Ozymandis: WHAT do you mean by "Have I played Shogo?" huh?...hehehe..."Of Course I have...I did play it...I will play it again...and I LOVED IT!!...what makes you think that I used "Sanjuro Makabe" as my nick name?'s my favorite game too...until DNF though....hehehe

                                Sanjuro Makabe

                                Pentium 4B 2.26GHz
                                ASUS P4T-EA
                                Samsung 512MB Rambus-T
                                ATI 8500 Retail
                                SB Audigy Plat. ex+
                                WinXP Pro SP1

