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Thief 2 not working w/g400 - ideas?

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  • Thief 2 not working w/g400 - ideas?

    I get it to run ok until entering the game itself. Then, none of the colors are right, and it crashes back to the desktop.

  • #2
    I do not have the game helio, but you need to post more specs. IrQ's Driver version, Hardware. Then someone can help you..


    • #3
      Make sure to download the latest driver for your matrox card. I think the 5.52 drivers work properly with the thief engine, older drivers cause a lot of trouble.

      By the way, it is important to use the matrox uninstall utility when removing the older drivers.

      Good luck


      • #4
        I am using 4.11.1410 version driver as listed under control panel. I thought this one came out after Thief 1. Anyway I guess I will d/l newer ones. I rarely have trouble running games, so I don't have much exp. troubleshooting them. My video IRQ is NOT shared (it is 11). Game runs fine on wife's PC with an intel i740 card, fyi.


        • #5
          Oh yeah, other hardware - g400 non max, abit bh6 motherboard running a stable c300a at 450, ensoniq-based creative sound card. I have other devices like a scsi card, hd's, burner, etc but they don't seem all that relevant to this problem.


          • #6
            The newest drivers 5.52 will work with
            Thief II and the other Dark Engine games.
            "Beware the dawn of the Metal Age."


            • #7
              if you want further information about games based on the thief engine and driver problems, then simply use the "search"-option in this forum and type in "thief".
              I think you´ll get a lot of hits...

              But with the latest driver the game will work properly anyway (at least I hope so ;o)

              CU Wannabe


              • #8
                There was a problem with the 5.41 drivers that prevented Thief and Thief 2 from running. 5.30 works, as does 5.50 and newer all work fine with Thief 1 and 2. If you are running 5.41, upgrade your drivers.


                • #9
                  While you're at it, answer this one real quick please. I just got an SB Live! and it comes with Thief. When I was installing it, it says something about an intel codec being missing. I didn't install it as I was worried it would f*ck up my Athlon system. The menu's work fine but as soon as I start the game, it crashed my system with a wierd plaid screen of death.... Needed full restart. Should I install the codec and it will work? I'm using the latest pdesk and liveWare 3.0 if that helps. Thanks. Sys specs in sig have changed from crappy sound card to an SB Live! and from a Sony 32x CD-ROM to a Toshiba burner. It's in my comp and I'm not at it so I cant give model numbers. Sorry.


                  Athon 700
                  MSI K7-PRO (110 version)
                  G400 MAX
                  196 Megs PC100 RAM
                  20 gig Maxtor
                  6 gig WD
                  DVD-ROM (2nd gen)
                  RealMagic Hollywood + DVD decoder
                  32X cd-rom
                  Crappy sound card (with a GREAT stereo )

                  Ok people, keep those UT excuses to suck rolling in. I need all the "help" I can get...

                  New Excuse: My computer runs it too smoothly. I can't figure out what I'm doing without the choppyness....
                  "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed"
                  --- Albert Einstein

                  "Drag racing is for people that don't know how to brake and downshift at the same time."


                  • #10
                    Yes! Install the Intel 5.0 Codec! It allows
                    your machine to play the fantastic AVI cutscenes that are in Thief. When you first
                    begin to play Thief, the opening AVI tells
                    you about the upcoming mission. If you don't have the codec, the first AVI won't play.
                    Your machine then crashes.
                    You can install the codec by simply
                    double-clicking on the " iv5play.exe "
                    on the CD.
                    Thief is my favorite game BY FAR! (I haven't
                    picked up ThiefII, yet).
                    The EAX support will astound you when you
                    hear...mmm..let's call them "bad guys" lurking behind you.
                    I believe your version of Thief will already
                    be at 1.33 or higher. If not, the patch is
                    Have fun!
                    P.S. Don't play the "Return To Cathedral"
                    mission in the dark!

                    [This message has been edited by Tom (edited 29 March 2000).]

