Ok I have a K6-2 450 128 sdram and G400 32 meg. Because of a yet unfixable problem with Win2k I cannot change my apeture in the bios above 4 megs (which is limiting me to agp 1x only, the problem exists with my FIC pa-2013 rev 2.0 and rev 2.1 also) I installed the q3 final demo and have the 5.03 matrox drivers installed, i setup my character and tried to run a timedemo, hard locked at loadup screen. after reboot tried just running a game single player, hard lock at game screen when it says i have entered the arena. My g400 is on IRQ9 and not sharing anything. Any ideas?
<A HREF="http://jediphoenix.iscool.net/
" TARGET=_blank>http://jediphoenix.iscool.net/
<A HREF="http://jediphoenix.iscool.net/
" TARGET=_blank>http://jediphoenix.iscool.net/