Maybe since I stopped caring about the little details and just play games, this one is old news, but screenshots taken on the g400 in OGL mode in both Halflife and Quake3 either come up solid black, or static looking. (like your tv set withno channel 
The ingame images are FINE.
This is over multiple drivers, because I habitually take a screenshot at the end of most counterstrike and q3ctf matches. Its been **ages** since I looked at any, but I just checked because I just had a 26:0 CS game I wanted to show someone. (Ima lpb, yeah yeah yeah) Every one since I bought the g400 is foiked up. This is over the life of the card, from drivers going back to the ones that came with the cd to August 99. Were talking 4.2 something to 5.whatever here, before and after TurboGL.
I have over 600 USELESS black screen HL CS screenshots and about 200 static filled Q3 ones.
UGH, big waste of space...not like I care much about that though (el cheapo 30gb ide) but all those PRECIOUS shots, and I usually only take them when I'm kicking ass (even more so recently, DSL
and some awesome games are GONE. My TFC game from god on Yoda's TFC (a good 300+ frags ahead anyone else WITHOUT captures on either side, this was when it didn't reset 2fort for hours on end, but STILL
GONE, my deathless CS games GONE the 9 sentry guns on crossover GONE the all-spy-thrashing on canal zone (they never made it out) GONE the 3 flying medics antics (that was FUN) GONE no no no! SHIT, had some GREAT material.
Well, not THAT important, but SHIT I spent all that time screenshotting for nothing. I was going to fill a cd with them for grins eventually too :/ one of those 'I suck huh? OH YEAH?! eat *THIS*!' cds.
Either that, or photoshop doesn't recognize how HL and Q3 do screenshots. I doubt it though, they're TGAs. That would kick some butt if it were the problem tho.
Its multiple machines too, I always copy my HL directory (you can *BTW* back it up to a cd and forget HL cd, who the hell plays offline anymore anyway?) to keep my configs and boatloads of maps.
Been on both Celeron 450 + g400 max and Athlon 800 + g400 max setups and 3 different HDs (IBM wide scsi, seagate U2 scsi, WD ata66) and been through god-only-knows how many Windoze reinstalls. Doubt corruption, every other image has survived ok (cough pr0n cough)
Anyone else gone through this? :/

The ingame images are FINE.
This is over multiple drivers, because I habitually take a screenshot at the end of most counterstrike and q3ctf matches. Its been **ages** since I looked at any, but I just checked because I just had a 26:0 CS game I wanted to show someone. (Ima lpb, yeah yeah yeah) Every one since I bought the g400 is foiked up. This is over the life of the card, from drivers going back to the ones that came with the cd to August 99. Were talking 4.2 something to 5.whatever here, before and after TurboGL.
I have over 600 USELESS black screen HL CS screenshots and about 200 static filled Q3 ones.
UGH, big waste of space...not like I care much about that though (el cheapo 30gb ide) but all those PRECIOUS shots, and I usually only take them when I'm kicking ass (even more so recently, DSL

Well, not THAT important, but SHIT I spent all that time screenshotting for nothing. I was going to fill a cd with them for grins eventually too :/ one of those 'I suck huh? OH YEAH?! eat *THIS*!' cds.
Either that, or photoshop doesn't recognize how HL and Q3 do screenshots. I doubt it though, they're TGAs. That would kick some butt if it were the problem tho.
Its multiple machines too, I always copy my HL directory (you can *BTW* back it up to a cd and forget HL cd, who the hell plays offline anymore anyway?) to keep my configs and boatloads of maps.
Been on both Celeron 450 + g400 max and Athlon 800 + g400 max setups and 3 different HDs (IBM wide scsi, seagate U2 scsi, WD ata66) and been through god-only-knows how many Windoze reinstalls. Doubt corruption, every other image has survived ok (cough pr0n cough)
Anyone else gone through this? :/