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Daikatana Demo

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  • #16
    The game is outdated before it is released. I could live with that, if it wasn't for the fact that it sucks bigtime !

    Graphics are mediocre, and sound is mindbuggingly horrible !

    Wonder what they spend those 5 years on. Must have been playing a lot of Q2 (testing the engine

    Torben R.
    G400 news, info, downloads and mailinglist :


    • #17
      Hey you guys with your big pipes....
      I took this down with a V.90. SO what.

      The best part of the Demo is the sound when you Kill a monster. It sounds like a Midway shooting range at a state fair in Fargo N.D.
      you know the Clang of the bell??
      THis is a real joke of a game ...sorry Johnny Boy. Get a Haircut. Wonder why the staff bailed out on this title? Picture the conversation at 3am ...John this looks a wee bit dumb know the aluminum Mosquitos??? Shut up if you don't like it Quit!! John the weapons have no feel...Shut up if you don't like it Quit!!

      And so on.
      I wont buy this for 10 bucks...
      Bargin bin wannabee

      [This message has been edited by LAMFDTK (edited 28 April 2000).]


      • #18
        You spent around five and half hours downloading that awful demo and all you call it is bargin bin wannabe? :-) I also noticed the funny "Doink" sound that the monsters made when their corpses bounced around on the ground, and wondered if they could have possibly been less serious about this game.

        Actually, that kinda reminds me of the time I downloaded a 4 meg terminal program for my old Amiga using a 2400 baud modem... that poor thing (the modem) got rather warm so I ended up using ice cooling to make sure the modem, which had a cast aluminum case, didn't overheat and ruin the download.


        • #19
          Cooling a modem with an ice pack? Now THAT is harcore


          • #20
            I can't believe non of you lamer gamers have made one reply on my KillCreek comment. If you wanted to avoid the hot girl situation (because it is an unfamiliar topic), you could have at least flamed me for saying I would buy it for that reason alone, her hot piece of ass.

            Has anyone seen the cover of pcxl mag? She looks pretty smoking on that too. Really, nobody knows what issue of playboy she was in? C'mon, help me out here.


            • #21
              Ooooooh, rjcarr, you're lucky I live with my girlfriend or I'd take great offense to the "not familiar with girls" comment (though it did make me chuckle...).

              I didn't comment because I've never seen this woman. Provide a link so we can all take it in. I get PC Gamer and haven't seen a PC Accel. for a while.

              To continue my rant about the demo (and I assume the game itself), I tried so hard to get that shooting-tin-cans sound out of my head. I still heard it a day after I deleted the damn demo.

              Maybe you could become Killcreek's sugar daddy, but companies that spend 5+ years developing a game this badly shouldn't be in business... I hope no one buys this turd of a game.

              Just brought up PCX's web site - is she the blonde falling out of her shirt? Ok, I'll give you the hottie comment now.

              Incidentally, I just read the news on pcx's web site - the mag is dead. LONG LIVE PC GAMER!
              PIII 550@605
              IWill Motherboard VD133
              VIA Chipset
              512MB PC133 CAS2 Crucial
              G400 DH 32MB (6.51 Drivers)
              DirectX 8.0a
              SB Live! Value
              8x DVD (Toshiba)
              6x4x24 CDRW (Sony)
              Intel Pro/100+ NIC
              3Com CMX Cable Modem
              Optiquest V95 19"
              HP 812C Color Ink Jet
              Microtek flatbed scanner
              Intellimouse Explorer
              Surround Sound w/two subwoofers
              AND WAY TOO MANY GAMES!!!


              • #22
                I tried so hard to get that shooting-tin-cans sound out of my head. I still heard it a day after I deleted the damn demo.

                hehehe me too...


                • #23
                  Down with the evil cyber-frogs, and cyber mosquitos...cyber John, doe everything have to be a freakin cyborg? And how about some variation?

                  The saddest thing: the more I look at this thing, the more I feel its trying to be Halflife. I mean, look at the effects, the feel...its Halflife except everythings done wrong.

                  I had a conversation with a friend about this. Take the situation where you came upon that sentry gun in the demo. It surprised you, but it was pretty obvious what was happening, and that big red light on the obvious control panel made it too easy to kill.

                  Now, anyone who has played single player halflife remembers the scene where they first ran into the automated security guns. Youre crawling through a vent shaft. You approach the lighted end, stick your head out, and out of nowhere you get ripped by bullets. You pull back into the shaft hurt, only to watch more idiots run out and get hacked to bits. All this time you havnt even seen this thing, so youre expecting the worst. When you get out, you have to move so fast you hardly get a look at the thing, and it takes time to find the switch to turn it off...its hidden under a platform, and behind boxes.

                  --- now THATS good game design

                  This Signature Space FOR SALE / RENT


                  • #24
                    Damn, that was a good scene, I remember that, makes me want to play that game all over. That still is some kickass good game. Sigh, makes me feel all happy inside...

                    Daikatana.... well.... John still has alot to learn, his hair is soooooo 90s. Ah! And his game too!
                    In case it's a harware problem:
                    PIII-500@560, 256 MB, G400 MAX DH on, ABIT BH6, MX300
                    Win2K drivers: 5.52


                    • #25
                      So I downloaded the ISO of Daikatana...

                      (No, I won't e-mail it to you, and no I won't tell you where I downloaded it, sheesh!)

                      And it's... um... dark. Very dark. And the levels are very... um... angular.

                      And that carnival noise is so irritating I'm tempted to open up the PAK file and delete it or replace it with a "BOING!" noise or something.

                      But the story is kinda cool. I haven't gotten to the point where I can play with team-mates, so that might be nifty as well.

                      But I don't know what in hell Romero meant when he said it runs good on his Pentium 233. Seriously, it runs really friggin' fast on my 533 dual, but I can't see it running well on anything under a P2-350 or so.

                      Anyway... and as far as it not working right under Win2k, maybe you (FaRaN) should download some newer drivers and try it again, hmm?

                      And on the woman issue... some of us, having been married for a few years, have been conditioned NOT to go off on boyish rants about some woman's ass. Just a thought.

                      - Gurm

                      Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
                      The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                      I'm the least you could do
                      If only life were as easy as you
                      I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                      If only life were as easy as you
                      I would still get screwed


                      • #26
                        Gurm, alot of people have the same problem as I do, an yes, ofcourse I have the latest driver, otherwise I wouldn't post/be here. You are just lucky, like few of us.
                        Oh I got the ISO too, didn't try it yet. Curious though.
                        In case it's a harware problem:
                        PIII-500@560, 256 MB, G400 MAX DH on, ABIT BH6, MX300
                        Win2K drivers: 5.52


                        • #27
                          How lazy of a programmer do you have to be to not include a cool icon for the shortcut?when was the last time you saw any windows based shortcut with no icon?Just because of this, this game sucks!No wait,also because of crappy sound.No wait,metallic frogs...No because of VERY outdated graphics(i hate Q2 greens and browns)!no wait.....No WAIT!!!!......

