In half-life(counter strike) I generally get around 25fps(in combat) while playing under windows 2000. [The framerates are generally the same for me in OpenGL and Direct32] The resolutions seems to have very little effect on the frame rate as well. I have tried going from 640x480-1024x768 with at most a 10-20% change in framerates. I am using the newest drivers available at the moment[5.06] and have also tried tweaking any available settings avaible in half-life.
Is this simply the way it is with the current win2k drivers? Or is it perhaps their incompatability with an SMP system? Or do some people get markedly better framerates with their g400 under Windows 2000.
Is it possible that re-installing win2k without ACPI support would improve things?
Any help is appreciated.
Abit BP6/2xCeleron@550
Is this simply the way it is with the current win2k drivers? Or is it perhaps their incompatability with an SMP system? Or do some people get markedly better framerates with their g400 under Windows 2000.
Is it possible that re-installing win2k without ACPI support would improve things?
Any help is appreciated.
Abit BP6/2xCeleron@550