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Major Half-Life problems!

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  • Major Half-Life problems!

    Today I updated my system to a P3 600. Everything went okay until I tried to run Half-Life. When I start a new game the "Loading..." appears on the screen but it stays and flashes while the text usually go by on the screen... then when the game have loaded and I usually can play I only see the "Loading..." flashing like hell... It reacts to keyboard and mouse (I can play, but I cant see).
    I have formated my disk so there are nothing left from my old system..

    Here are my specs:
    EPoX 6VBA2 VIA 133A
    128 PC133 RAM (1*128)
    17 GB HD
    and ofc:
    G400 DH 32 (not max)

    (I HAVE searched the forum not finding anything similar at all.. seems like a new problem... correct me if im wrong)

  • #2
    What mode are you playing it in?
    OpenGL, TurboGL, D3D?
    When you reformatted, did you freshly re-install the game, or was the game installed from a backup?
    If it was from a backup, it's possible the wrong TurboGL driver is in the game folder (if your previous processor wasn't a P3). Look in the game folder for opengl32.dll and delete it (not the one in the windows\system folder!). Set the game to use default opengl mode.
    Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


    • #3
      I have tried both TurboGL and the default OpenGl.. D3D runs fine, but since OGL are faaster and better and so I wanna be able to use that also...
      It is a backup copy of it, but i have deleted the opengl32.dll from the gamedirectory and reinstalled it.. but it didnt work..
      I have to say that it really sounds like a p2 -> p3 problem but i dont know what to do.. is reinstalling the whole game a good idea?


      • #4
        Now I think I have the solution for it... I realized that it share IRQ with 2 USB, 1 LANcard, and my onboard soundcard now that just might be the problem hehe

        (btw, reinstalling did not help at all...)

        [This message has been edited by burre burrito (edited 26 May 2000).]


        • #5
          try the 5.30+TurboGL

          on many boards the only way to get via-chipsets work with g400
          my system:

          AMD XP 2000+
          Abit KTA7 (VIA 4.49)
          512MB SDRAM133
          Matrox Millennium G400 MAX (5.91, AGP 2x)
          Windows XP Prof


          • #6
            IF the 5.3 doesn't work, try 5.41 w/o TurboGL. You've got a fast enough processor that you really wouldn't notice the difference anyway, especially at higher resolutions.

            I haven't been able to get anything but 5.41 to work on my system (haven't tried the 5.52 drivers yet).


            PIII 550@605
            IWill Motherboard VD133
            VIA Chipset
            256MB PC133 CAS2 Crucial
            G400 DH 32MB (5.41 Drivers)
            DirectX 7.0
            SB Live! Value
            8x DVD (Toshiba)
            6x4x24 CDRW (Sony)
            Intel Pro/100+ NIC
            3Com CMX Cable Modem
            Optiquest V95 19"
            HP 812C Color Ink Jet
            Microtek flatbed scanner
            Intellimouse Explorer
            Surround Sound w/two subwoofers
            AND WAY TOO MANY GAMES!!!

            PIII 550@605
            IWill Motherboard VD133
            VIA Chipset
            512MB PC133 CAS2 Crucial
            G400 DH 32MB (6.51 Drivers)
            DirectX 8.0a
            SB Live! Value
            8x DVD (Toshiba)
            6x4x24 CDRW (Sony)
            Intel Pro/100+ NIC
            3Com CMX Cable Modem
            Optiquest V95 19"
            HP 812C Color Ink Jet
            Microtek flatbed scanner
            Intellimouse Explorer
            Surround Sound w/two subwoofers
            AND WAY TOO MANY GAMES!!!


            • #7
              Dude, This is directly motherboard related. Let me put it to you this way, your motherboard is a piece of sh*t.
              Any Questions?

              G400 on a G400
              What the hell are we doing in the middle of the desert?


              • #8
                Well... now my G400 doesnt share IRQ... and I have reinstalled Half-life... and it STILL doesnt work at all!! HELP ME!!


                • #9
                  Last time my G400 was in my Asus P3V4X:

                  - I used VIA AGP driver 4.20 (really version 4.00). 4.17 and 4.19 wouldn't work. Never tried 4.02 (the new new one)
                  - I installed PD 5.52, installed TurboGL 1.3, used the uninstaller to REMOVE PD 5.52, and then...
                  - I installed PD 5.30

                  Goofy, but it worked for me.
                  The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty."
                  The optimist says: "The glass is half full."
                  The engineer says: "I put half of my water in a redundant glass."


                  • #10
                    Well I just wanna say thanks to all of u! Im playing HL with better preformance than ever now (not that it surprised me or anything since now i do have a P3). Thanks!

