I did not have any problems when I patch UT with 420 the first time. But after a new UT installation I get this message every
time when I tried to run utpatch420.exe (after unzip when the setup should be started):
Assertion failed: GetClassInfoExA(NULL, TChar_TO_ANSI(WinBaseClass), &Cls )
[File:..\Inc\Window.h][Line: 1394]
History: WControl::RegisterWindowClass <- UWindowManager::UWindowManager <- InitWindowing
No problems with 405 and 413 patches. I tried several "versions" of the utpatch420-file (download, cd) but I had no luck.
Any ideas? Or similar problems?
time when I tried to run utpatch420.exe (after unzip when the setup should be started):
Assertion failed: GetClassInfoExA(NULL, TChar_TO_ANSI(WinBaseClass), &Cls )
[File:..\Inc\Window.h][Line: 1394]
History: WControl::RegisterWindowClass <- UWindowManager::UWindowManager <- InitWindowing
No problems with 405 and 413 patches. I tried several "versions" of the utpatch420-file (download, cd) but I had no luck.
Any ideas? Or similar problems?