I recently overclocked my P3-650 to 682MHz, 715MHz, 728MHz, 750MHz and finally 806MHz just to see what I could end up with. At each setting I ran 3DMark2000 to see the level of improvement I was achieving.
At 806MHz (on which I left running the Matrox G400 TechDemo for several hours straight - no problems there), 3DMark2000 reported a 8-9% improvement over the 650MHz. I had somehow expected more, but a score of 3275 (over my previous score of 3009) is pretty good... for a G400...
The thing I don't get, though, is that Quake III Arena's Timedemo doesn't show any improvement in framerate at all. Running the system at 650MHz, the default High Quality demo001 scored 46fps. Running at 806MHz (and all the various speeds in between), I manage to score... 46fps?! Huh?
What's going on? In 3DMark2000, I can clearly see the framerate is faster and smoother at 806MHz, especially in the High Polygon Count tests. So why isn't Q3A reporting a higher Timedemo result?
Do you think that this has something to do with the graphics card? Is the G400 simply unable to push itself beyond around 46fps in Q3A, regardless of processor speed?
My system specs:
Intel Pentium III 650MHz @ 806MHz
Asus P2B motherboard @ 124MHz FSB
128MB PC-100 SDRAM
Matrox G400 32MB SH @ 144/192/144MHz, ParaKnowYa's driver pack v1.5 installed
Creative Sound Blaster Live! Value with latest drivers
Quantum Fireball ST 6.4GB & 4.3GB
I/O Magic 8X DVD-ROM (region-free)
Kenwood 42X TrueX CD-ROM
Just Cooler FC-900L Central System Cooler
CTX PR711 17" Monitor, currently running 1152x864 32-bit @ 85Hz
Microsoft Intellimouse with IntelliEye
Logitech SoundMan X1 speakers and subwoofer
Windows 98 (not SE), DirectX 7.0a
3DMark2000 v1.1 default benchmark score: 3272
At 806MHz (on which I left running the Matrox G400 TechDemo for several hours straight - no problems there), 3DMark2000 reported a 8-9% improvement over the 650MHz. I had somehow expected more, but a score of 3275 (over my previous score of 3009) is pretty good... for a G400...
The thing I don't get, though, is that Quake III Arena's Timedemo doesn't show any improvement in framerate at all. Running the system at 650MHz, the default High Quality demo001 scored 46fps. Running at 806MHz (and all the various speeds in between), I manage to score... 46fps?! Huh?
What's going on? In 3DMark2000, I can clearly see the framerate is faster and smoother at 806MHz, especially in the High Polygon Count tests. So why isn't Q3A reporting a higher Timedemo result?
Do you think that this has something to do with the graphics card? Is the G400 simply unable to push itself beyond around 46fps in Q3A, regardless of processor speed?
My system specs:
Intel Pentium III 650MHz @ 806MHz
Asus P2B motherboard @ 124MHz FSB
128MB PC-100 SDRAM
Matrox G400 32MB SH @ 144/192/144MHz, ParaKnowYa's driver pack v1.5 installed
Creative Sound Blaster Live! Value with latest drivers
Quantum Fireball ST 6.4GB & 4.3GB
I/O Magic 8X DVD-ROM (region-free)
Kenwood 42X TrueX CD-ROM
Just Cooler FC-900L Central System Cooler
CTX PR711 17" Monitor, currently running 1152x864 32-bit @ 85Hz
Microsoft Intellimouse with IntelliEye
Logitech SoundMan X1 speakers and subwoofer
Windows 98 (not SE), DirectX 7.0a
3DMark2000 v1.1 default benchmark score: 3272