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Quake 3 very dark in w2k

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  • Quake 3 very dark in w2k

    Dunno how to solve your problem, but I don´t think it´s Matrox related. My brother has the same problem, and he has a TNT2, so....
    If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

  • #2
    yes there is in fact

    search the fori to find it
    search for overbrightbits


    • #3
      Try these in Autoexec.cfg for starters...

      r_ignorehwgamma 0
      r_overBrightBits 0
      set r_gamma "1.16"
      set r_intensity "1.2"

      ...mileage may vary depending on monitor gamma settings.


      • #4
        Quake 3 very dark in w2k

        Can anyone tell me how to get Q3 to brighten up in w2k (6.11 drv). I have the slider in the game menu all the way up and it is still to dark. I am using a g400 max. All is well in win98. Maybe there is a setting in the config I can tweak?


        Dave D


        • #5
          Thanks to all,

          Riks config additions worked perfectly.

          Now if we can only get a driver with better smp support. I am getting 53 fps @ 1024 x768 but in smp_1 barely squeekin out 40 fps.
          G400 max with 2) 366's @ 550

          Dave D


          • #6
            won't happen.... not now, not ever

            Matrox isn't interested into going through the process of rewriting the drivers to use multi-threading, just to help that small amount of gamers requesting it.

            THey did state they will make the drivers 100% SMP compatible (so _NOT_ capable), and that fact on itself would help the SMP system a lot, because you can offload akll the overhead to the 2nd cpu while playing a game, and it will run stable.


            • #7
              Something interesting I noticed with my ver of Q3 is that if the slider is all the way to max brightness, I don't really get max brightness. This appears to be a bug. If I slide it down, somewhere midway it will get fully bright, emphasis being on the fact that the slider is not set to max, and brightness is max.

              What I've noticed is that if I slide it to max, then it will stay bright, but next time I restart the game will be dim again. If I leave it at the setting where it first achieves max brightness (somewhere in the middle) it will always stay bright.....

              Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? But why put off until tomorrow what you can put off altogether?

