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G400Max - 3D Lockups - Constantly

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  • #16
    That's okay TT, try at least Rags' advice. And to say something about the NIC: Mine works perfectly fine at 100Mbit at IRQ 4



    • #17

      The 196 Mb consist of two Modules, a 128 & a 64. There are virtually from the same batch, so they are real close (if not 100% alike), timing wise.

      All my RAM timings are conservative as it is!

      Do you one think one of the Modules have gone Bad? That would be nice, they are a lot easier to replace! I'll do some RAM testing.

      BTW. Whats the problem with the BF6/BE6-2 & 2-3 Modules. Symptons?


      Ok! Thats great. I'll try to fix mine to IRQ4 or 3 as well.
      BTW. It's not the SBLive. It freezes whether its installed or not.

      Thanks to both of you!

      Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82


      • #18
        Hej Tue

        What I've heard of BF6/BE6-II and RAM problems is, that they are very picky regarding the simultaneous use of different modules i.e. manufacturer, size, timings etc.
        Furthermore, the more slots you occupy (with identical modules even) the more prone you are to getting problems, where 2xAGP "instability" is one of the likely symptoms.
        Tried the 2xAGP hassle myself on a BE6II

        Ha' en god weekend


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        • #19
          You're a f¤"#!n' genious!!!!!

          Removed the 64mb module and behold!
          Now H&D, RS, Shogun and even MDK2 works!
          Both modules has been in my machine for 1 year! Never had any trouble with them. I have even run them at 140mhz! Stable!

          Now I just need to confirm whether its the BE6-2 or the module that f!"#'s up!

          Imagine, I've been reseating (almost violently) that poor G400 in/out of that AGP slot a hundred times! Now I just feel like smashing that damn 64Mb module! Which I will, if it shows to be the culprit!

          This Forum Just Rulez! as usual!

          Og hey Kim, Yes jeg får en god weekend!
          Tak for Info'et! Jeg tror sgu Abit efterhånden har et problem! Synd & Skam!

          Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82


          • #20
            I was having the same problem with my Athlon 700 / G400 / SBLive / Win98 with 2 128 MB DIMMS.

            UT would lock up after a while.

            I removed one and put the other in the slot that wasn't being used... voila!


            • #21

              On an Abit board?
              Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82


              • #22

                This problem isn't isolated to Abit boards. Many boards have have problems with different types, densities, speeds, of RAM mixed together.



                • #23
                  Actually, my machine is a Shuttle AI61 with an Athlon classic Slot A. (It was so cheap...)

                  And to think, I was going with a AMD 750 Chipset to maintain stability... Oh well. I guess my next machine uppgrade will be to a Socket A with a Thunderbird 1 GHz...


                  • #24

                    Yeah but my modules were like totally alike!


                    I think I'll upgrade to the BX133RAID instead. Hope Abit have made a better board with that! BTW. They say it's gonna be their last BX board! Better make it good!

                    Well I said before that 'Shogun' was working OK. Well it ain't.. It still locks up randomly. Do any of you have any experience with that game? (I'm using 6x drivers)
                    The rest of the games works just fine:-)

                    Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82


                    • #25
                      I don't think Shogun itself can be your problem. It's running fine on my setup using the 6.01 driver.

                      Not much help I know.
                      Chris Blake


                      • #26
                        Yeah but my modules were like totally alike!
                        no two ram chips are identical

                        congrats on the fix!

                        P3-700e @ 1052! Check it here!
                        Abit BE6-2
                        TwinMos 128mb pc-133
                        Matrox Fusion Plus F800 AGP with 64mb fcram
                        Maxtor 15.3gb 7,200rpm
                        SB Live!
                        Winblows 98se & DX7
                        and 384k DSL!
                        System 1:
                        AMD 1.4 AYJHA-Y factory unlocked @ 1656 with Thermalright SK6 and 7k Delta fan
                        Epox 8K7A
                        2x256mb Micron pc-2100 DDR
                        an AGP port all warmed up and ready to be stuffed full of Parhelia II+
                        SBLIVE 5.1
                        Maxtor 40g 7,200 @ ATA-100
                        IBM 40GB 7,200 @ ATA-100
                        Pinnacle DV Plus firewire
                        3Com Hardware Modem
                        Teac 20/10/40 burner
                        Antec 350w power supply in a Colorcase 303usb Stainless

                        New system: Under development


                        • #27
                          Chris Blake

                          Ok! It must be my setup then! Which is somewhat confirmed by when I tried to run Shogun at AGPX1, it stopped freezing!
                          Think I'll stick to AGPX1!


                          Yeah I know.. But they don't come much more identical than this:-)

                          BTW. what's that F800 all about?

                          Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82


                          • #28
                            My two DIMMs were the "same" but I got them from a friend... My guess was it was just the order of the RAM slots.

                            I suppose I didn't really need 256 MB of RAM anyway. I'm too lazy to stick my other DIMM back in in some other slot to see if it will work.

                            I hope your system stays trouble-free!


                            • #29

                              Yeah me too! Same to you!
                              Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82

