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Wrong resolution after quiting game

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  • Wrong resolution after quiting game

    This seems to happen only with Quake3.

    My desktop res is 1024. Game is played at 800. Sometimes, after quiting Q3, it reverts to 640.

    Any fix for this?

    G400Max 6.01 drivers
    P3 550 @ 733
    256M mem
    Asus P3v4x Bios 1003
    Monster 300 sound (A3d disabled)
    Win98, IE 5.5, latest updates

  • #2
    This is a common problem with via chipsets. Sometimes different via drivers help, but the best way I have found, and still keep the drivers the same, is to create your desktop resolution/colordepth you are using into a scheme using Powerdesk, then make a hotkey for that scheme. So, when you get that crap, you just hotkey back to your desktop resolution. To do this click once on the blue monitor icon in your systray, select Desktop schemes, name your current desktop scheme something you will remember, then save, then click on the blue monitor icon in your systray again, and select hotkeys, and setup a hotkey for your desktop scheme. Have fun.



    • #3
      Upon reflection, it seems to me that this and other problems occured with the installation of my Cordless Logitech 4-button mouse.

      My previous mouse was a Logitech 3-button "gamer," using driver 9.33.

      With the new mouse (and registry hack from Logitech) I've had some problems other than the resolution.

      I have driver 8.60. Does anyone think that installing it would help?


      • #4
        Thanks for the suggested shortcut, but I want a solution.

        Running 4.24 VIA drivers now.

        As my previous post, this porblem seems to be related to my new mouse.

        Thanks for the input.


        • #5
          Gee, that smiley didn't work <a href=""></a>


          • #6
            The only way to tell is to actually try it. Let us know how it works out. Like I said, I have seen this problem in many different systems with via chipsets, and it can be solved by going to different via drivers, don't ask me which ones becuase I forgot. But going back driver revisions also has it's caveats too, so I think the best solution (was for me, anyow) is to simply use hotkeys. One keystroke and yer set after exiting.


