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Problems with G400MAX and AOE2 on Win2k-SP1

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  • Problems with G400MAX and AOE2 on Win2k-SP1

    I'm having problems running AOE2 on Win2k SP1. I'm running DX7 with the latest 5.14 Win2k certified drivers. I've got a Celeron 333, 256MB RAM, on a G400 MAX. When the game starts up I get all these scrolling horizontal lines on teh screen (its REALLY weird) and the computer freezes. I've attempted to fix it by disabling basically everything that AOE2 will let you in the command line options, plus I've tried adjusting my desktop settings but to no avail. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

    Response greatly appreciated

  • #2
    Is your processor or video card overclocked?

    It kindof sounds like a heat problem.

    I've been playing AOE2 on my Win98se/G400 box and never encountered a problem.

    Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.


    • #3
      To me it sounds like busmastering or agpx2 trouble. Try forcing agpx1 and see if that helps.



      • #4
        How do I set AGPx1? I'm curious as to why AOE2 wouldn't work considering HL and UT seem fine. You'd figure they would die before something like AOE2 would... tis strange I tell ya!


        • #5
          Just use the Matrox Technical Support Tweak Utility.



          • #6
            That tweak utility did it. But strangely enough it wasnt the AGP setting that fixed things. I set Force Bitmap Caching OFF to fix it. What does this setting do? (I'm just curious).

            In any case thanx for the help!

