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new 610 driver issues with roguespear and midtown madness2

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  • new 610 driver issues with roguespear and midtown madness2

    the thrill of a new driver, but again...
    the only games I'm currently playing are midtown madness 2 and rogue spear, both have problems on my vanilla g400dh32mb with the new 6.10 drivers.
    MM2 is a mess with de building textures plastered all over the road and a corrupt map window, and general texture flickering on cars.
    Rogue spear seems to have constant hiccups and the overall image quality in both games looks a little worse,more flickering pixels and stuff.Feels a little faster though.
    Havent tried halflife yet.
    Guess it's back to 5.52 again, the magic number, they work flawlessly with every game i played sofar.What is it with those 5.52 drivers?
    bruce c. sucks

  • #2
    Jeez! I hope that isn't true about Rogue! I'll check later!
    Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82


    • #3
      To be honest, the problems in rogue spear are minor, but playing online, performance is critical, especially in close pistol fights. Love that game.
      bruce c. sucks

