but i dont know how good they are... i will reboot now....
No announcement yet.
new drivers for w9x
Yeah, upgrade time, and for everyone who can't be bothered digging through Matrox's site here they are:
Oops, screwed up the link..
[This message has been edited by shogun (edited 07 November 2000).]
TurboGL is not "officially supported" with these drivers, but it will still work. If you've already installed TGL, it will still be there.
There is not as much of a need for TGL these days, as most of it's optimisations have been incorperated into the full ICD included in the drivers. If you have never installed TGL, you probably don't need to bother at this point. Newer drivers alone are about as fast as older drivers+TGL. But TGL is still good if you want to play an OpenGL game with DualHead enabled, or if you see visual glitches with the driver's ICD (which can often be cured by tweaking OpenGL settings with the Matrox Tech Support Tweak Util) that you might not see with TGL(untweakable).Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s
Woah! This driver rocks!!!!!!!! It fixes every problems I have. HL graphic glitches, etc. I ran UT, Q3A, and HL and its mods. They all seemed to work! And is it me or do I noticed some speed gain? I must be dreaming! Anyone else notice this?
As for TurboGL driver, it is implemented in these new drivers. Flashlight works in HL.
Note: I uninstalled the old drivers through add/remove to be safe! So basically, I don't see TurboGL in PowerDesk anymore. It shouldn't be there.
[This message has been edited by antdude (edited 07 November 2000).]
[This message has been edited by antdude (edited 07 November 2000).]Ant @ The Ant Farm (http://antfarm.ma.cx)
Originally posted by Liquid Snake:
TurboGL works properly with 6.10 now?? Flashlight and all? Is TGL and 6.10 faster than 6.10 ICD?
Ant @ The Ant Farm (http://antfarm.ma.cx)
For those who have Baldur's Gate 2, have you checked if the new driver will fix the "hardware acceleration" problem? For those not familiar with it, in Baldur's Gate 2, the hardware acceleration mode uses OpenGL. As a part of this, the game is set to display in 32 bit color mode. With every version of the driver I have tried, this results in an 8 bit display, even though the program is trying to output in 32 bit color mode. Needless to say, it looks VERY ugly. I'll let you all know tonight if the new drivers fix the problem.
Half-Life still has problems with this driver: PowerPro, a program launcher, doesn't
disappear under HL; may be a HL problem.
Quake1 still needs TurboGL.
Someone suggested a fix for the problem of no HUD when entering Q1 (something like -fullhud) but it doesn't work. Only changing FOV works to display HUD health, ammo, armor
(if you have a "zoom" bind, then just using it brings up the full HUD).
This Quake1 thing with gamma needs to be addressed, whether through QuakeForge or Matrox. I'm damn tired of adjusting my display gamma.