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Gaming Performance and RAM

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DukeP:
    Go with the 256mb ram.

    I upgraded my win2000 machine with 128mb extra. It did great things with CS and general improved the overall feel of the machine.

    This IS win2000 which does use more resources than 98...
    ..But its way srable and a great gaming platform, if properly equipped and configurated.

    I did go for the second module and now I have 256mb installed.

    What I do not understand is Win2000 is supposed to be good for e-commerce and networking but you say it is good for gaming?

    Please explain as I am confused.




    • #17
      Originally posted by Beezer:
      Your system seems pretty darn good - actually, I'm a little jealous. However, the two spots in your set up that might be lacking a little is 1) the size of your monitor -- you should be able to use high resolutions that would look sweet on a 19" or even a 21" monitor... 2)Your PC Works speakers are OK, but there are lots better quality ones for reasonable prices. A 5-speaker setup does wonders for gaming. I have the FPS 2000 with the SB Live and am quite impressed with the sound quality especially for the price - about $130 US.

      By the way, I added 128 RAM to get to 256MB a while back due to video editing reasons. I didn't notice any difference in my 3D gaming (Win 98), although my processor is only 450Mz so I may be more processor limited than anything else.
      Being an audiophile I know about sound. I actually do not need US$130 speakers as my computer is set up in my music room which is propersly set up with $5000+ hifi system which I occasionaly use to connect my computer to. I actully do not use the computer for watching movies or to listen to music since I already have a specialist system for just that.

      Anyway your advise is appreciated.


      • #18
        Yes yes, a thousand times YES.

        Windows 2000 is a GREAT GAMING PLATFORM.

        Even Microsoft thinks so, since every single compatibility update on their Windows Update site adds GAME compatibility to the system.

        - Gurm

        Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
        The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

        I'm the least you could do
        If only life were as easy as you
        I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
        If only life were as easy as you
        I would still get screwed


        • #19
          Win2000 is an excellent gaming platform.
          When the final version of Win2000 came out I set up a dual-boot system.
          Within three weeks I had totally removed Win98.
          I'm Win2000 only now and I wont be going back.
          Microsoft originaly said that Win2000 was for the business user only.
          Three game compatibility updates later and an announcement that XBox will use a kernel based on Win2000's and we see they weren't telling the whole truth.
          If Microsoft had admitted Win2000 was great for games too WinME's sales would have been terrible and they had pumped too much money into it for that to happen.
          Imagine a platform that plays most games as well as Win9x, that plays about 90% of the games that can be played under Win9x but an OS 100x more stable and you have Win2000.
          It cost one penny to cross, or one hundred gold pieces if you had a billygoat.
          Trolls might not be quick thinkers but they don't forget in a hurry, either


          • #20
            Originally posted by Paulr:
            Win2000 is an excellent gaming platform.
            When the final version of Win2000 came out I set up a dual-boot system.
            Within three weeks I had totally removed Win98.
            I'm Win2000 only now and I wont be going back.
            Microsoft originaly said that Win2000 was for the business user only.
            Three game compatibility updates later and an announcement that XBox will use a kernel based on Win2000's and we see they weren't telling the whole truth.
            If Microsoft had admitted Win2000 was great for games too WinME's sales would have been terrible and they had pumped too much money into it for that to happen.
            Imagine a platform that plays most games as well as Win9x, that plays about 90% of the games that can be played under Win9x but an OS 100x more stable and you have Win2000.
            Now I understand perfectly!

            Thanks for clearing the confusing. I will see what I can do to get Win2000 and install it soon.

            I am sure all Microsoft simulators would work on it.



            • #21

              Good plan, just make sure to come back to the General Hardware forum here for install advice before you do your upgrade.

              - Gurm

              Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
              The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

              I'm the least you could do
              If only life were as easy as you
              I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
              If only life were as easy as you
              I would still get screwed


              • #22
                Greetings fellow audiophile !
                I too spent a ridiculous amount of money on my setup but it's to far from my computer to use (except for DVD, which is awesome, just stereo though). For my comp I bought a Yamaha speakersystem with a very linear frequency from low to high, very clear sound.
                Could use some more pump, so I figure I'll add a Sub to my... arg, i'm totally anal about audio, wandering off-topic.
                bruce c. sucks


                • #23
                  Originally posted by wumpie leBeumb:
                  Greetings fellow audiophile !
                  I too spent a ridiculous amount of money on my setup but it's to far from my computer to use (except for DVD, which is awesome, just stereo though). For my comp I bought a Yamaha speakersystem with a very linear frequency from low to high, very clear sound.
                  Could use some more pump, so I figure I'll add a Sub to my... arg, i'm totally anal about audio, wandering off-topic.
                  Hello fellow audiophile!

                  Nice to hear sounds on this forum!

                  Yes concerts are what I see on the computer at times and connect them to the Magneplanars. Awsome sound they produce.
                  What system and type of music are you into?


                  • #24
                    Awright!, i get to talk audio! (yes moderator, is off-topic, but this is about quality, the reason I have a G400 and the same reason I have nice audio setup....) Magneplanars, very nice, I listened to them and found them crystal clear, perfect for classical IMO

                    <begin brag>

                    My System :
                    AMP: marantz pm-78, bit of a weak link but comes with a powerful Class A stage that is wonderful for playing vinyl.

                    PHONO: technics sl-1200 MKII, best pitch stability around although I had to replace the wiring to clear up the sound, and I put in some plugs so I can use my own cables to the amp. Good element by Audio Technica.

                    CD: Rotel RCD-971, excellent CD-player by itself but I couldn't leave it alone ofcourse so I upgraded the quartz oscillator and the op-amps, provided by the good people over at . They have kits for other brands as well or will do it for you, worth the visit.

                    SPEAKERS: HECO Mythos 500, my pride & joy, german heavyweights 100cm high, 21cm wide, 40cm deep, 31 kg apiece this is all for inertia of the case,the bass and mid cones aren't that big. Absolutely beautiful. Etremely spacious and refined sound

                    CABLES: DIY cables made out of very thick coax(tight shielding, good insulator,OFC made by IXOS, oh, and they're directional too but that's too far in the realm of psycho-acoustics for me) and fat gold/teflon plugs.Beats me why there is such a large price difference between DIY and readymade !

                    Kind of built it up around my vinyl collection.

                    </end brag>

                    My taste goes from classical to jazz to oldskool hiphop to underground music from detroit,chicago,michigan,miami

                    Current project: building a non-plus ultra phono pre-amp with complete separate channels and the power provided by bright white LED's connected to the mains plug. The light of the LED's is captured by photo sensitive diodes to provide current for the phono stage. Sounds complicated but this will completely decouple the phono stage from the mains power without having to resort to all kinds of filters and stuff. less components = better sound.

                    Phew!, glad I got that of my chest.

                    So, hows the rest of your setup ? I'm always interested in the way people put their stereo together.
                    bruce c. sucks


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by wumpie leBeumb:
                      Awright!, i get to talk audio! (yes moderator, is off-topic, but this is about quality, the reason I have a G400 and the same reason I have nice audio setup....)

                      So, hows the rest of your setup ? I'm always interested in the way people put their stereo together.
                      I like Jazz, Classical, Contemporary (70's and 80's) New age Jazz, Fusion, Rock (Oldies), World Music etc.

                      Instruments I prefer to listen to most are Piano, Saxophone, Guitar, Harp,and Violin.

                      Equipment: Magnaplaner speakers, Mission speakers, Quad amplification, Marantz CD63 SE cd player, Musical Fidelity X10-D tube buffer amp, Rega Planer 3,A&R Cambridge and Ortofon cartridges, Nakamichi 700 Tri-Tracer cassette deck, Laser Disk Pioneer CLD-570 (for concerts only).Cable Talk Monitor 2 interconnects, Monster interlink 400 interconnects, Studio Power Line speaker cables (German origin)

                      Software: About 700 albums half of them LP's and the rest comprising of CD's Laser Disc's and DVD's
                      Preferred Magazines: Stereophile, HiFi Choice, HiFi News and Record Review, HiFi World.

                      Web Sites: Enjoy The Music, Stereophile on the Web, Roberts HiFi Pages, TNT audio etc.

                      Subjects of interest: Achieving Synergy of the system, Cheap Tweaks, Room Acoustics.

                      I guess if we continue the Moderator of this forum will kick us outta here! If you need to continue drop a line on we can continue our exchange on audio.


