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Tribes 2 - Should I Even Bother?

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  • Tribes 2 - Should I Even Bother?

    More of a gameplay type than a "I squirm when I see lots of polygonal texture bitflapping, oh my" but I'm also rather skeptical of this:

    Pentium Celeron 450MHz
    128 Ram
    Matrox G450
    Cable modem

    "Suggested" requirements be damned, is TRIBES 2 even playable with specs like this? Even if you make it -- essentially -- look like the original TRIBES?


  • #2
    IMHO no. I have seen Tribes 2 running on powerfull machines (1GHz Pentium3s with Geforce2) and it was chunky at some times. Of course they were running 1024*768*32... If you reduce the details and the resolution you might be able to get a good FPS score (around 30 in my book). Sorry, that's all i can say about it.


    • #3
      I kind of figured as much, especially hearing "Why won't TRIBES 2 run smoothly?" complaints with people with jet turbines inside their CPU's (not sure how that would make the suckers faster, but let the metaphorical chiding pass for now and I'll give you a pat on the back).


      800x600x16 with almost all the details off. No bots. Looks about as bad (or as good) as the first game. Playable?

      (I believe the writers of Penny Arcade have similar system specs to my own right now and they have whined about the performance problems but still pass along great, fun tales of gameplay)


      Probably best to wait for the demo.



      • #4
        Depends if you got a bad ass system, it will run decent. The bad programming is what it is. Its a badly optimized engine.

