I hopped on Friday when you had CTF Faces running -- hadn't played CTF in a while. Had great fun 
Most of the time there were 12 to 20 people playing. At one point there must have been 6 or 8 [MU]ers/[MPE]ers there. It ran pretty well for the most part, but I did notice a little more lagging than usual. Even lost connection a couple of times. I'll give it another try tonight to see if it's better.

Most of the time there were 12 to 20 people playing. At one point there must have been 6 or 8 [MU]ers/[MPE]ers there. It ran pretty well for the most part, but I did notice a little more lagging than usual. Even lost connection a couple of times. I'll give it another try tonight to see if it's better.