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Anyone have B&W yet?

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  • #16
    Nevermind. When I tested the link in my previous message, I noticed that they had just updated their page with the new information about the false report. Sorry for the false alarm.


    • #17
      I am having the same problems with Black and White on a G400 32MB on W2K. I get corrupted textures all over the place and when I enter the temple my fonts corrupt. Just adding my situation to list that we hae going here
      The poster formerly known as "ahardjan"


      • #18
        To reply to my own post, I loaded the game and haven't had a single problem (well, one lockup, but I think it was due to my firewall, not the game).

        System specs below...

        edit: specs don't include I'm running Win98SE

        PIII 550@605
        IWill Motherboard VD133
        VIA Chipset
        256MB PC133 CAS2 Crucial
        G400 DH 32MB (6.04 Drivers)
        DirectX 7.0
        SB Live! Value
        8x DVD (Toshiba)
        6x4x24 CDRW (Sony)
        Intel Pro/100+ NIC
        3Com CMX Cable Modem
        Optiquest V95 19"
        HP 812C Color Ink Jet
        Microtek flatbed scanner
        Intellimouse Explorer
        Surround Sound w/two subwoofers

        [This message has been edited by ahartman (edited 30 March 2001).]
        PIII 550@605
        IWill Motherboard VD133
        VIA Chipset
        512MB PC133 CAS2 Crucial
        G400 DH 32MB (6.51 Drivers)
        DirectX 8.0a
        SB Live! Value
        8x DVD (Toshiba)
        6x4x24 CDRW (Sony)
        Intel Pro/100+ NIC
        3Com CMX Cable Modem
        Optiquest V95 19"
        HP 812C Color Ink Jet
        Microtek flatbed scanner
        Intellimouse Explorer
        Surround Sound w/two subwoofers


        • #19
          Hey Guys,
          I have some good news and some bad news. The good news that Win2k is indeed the culprit. The bad news that you have to turn off one option in the custom settings to cure it until a new driver comes along to fix it, and the option is "Volume Lighting". So it's your're under Win2k and you have it checked, you will see problems. Win98 users should be ok assuming they're using 6.50.008 drivers. I have informed EA this problem and they are going to post it on their website, i will also inform Lionhead about it,


          "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."
          "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."


          • #20

            Does that also fix the text corruption?

            - Gurm

            Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
            The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

            I'm the least you could do
            If only life were as easy as you
            I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
            If only life were as easy as you
            I would still get screwed


            • #21
              As far as i know, the text was fine until you go to the citadel, then it gets garbled because of the Volume Lighting effect kicking in, let me know if that solves it for you,


              "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."
              "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."


              • #22
                Actually, my text _started_ garbled, but it could have been the drivers I was using.

                Also, the logos at the beginning are all messed up, is that blameable on lighting? (wink!)

                - Gurm

                Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
                The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                I'm the least you could do
                If only life were as easy as you
                I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                If only life were as easy as you
                I would still get screwed


                • #23
                  Disabling volumetric lighting only fixes the temple fonts, as far as I can tell. It has no effect on anything else. Mine still crashes incessantly and loses text in the main game. And my logos are messed up, too.

                  Of course, I complained about this all earlier...



                  • #24
                    ok i tried it and the temple is less messed up than before but the text is still not displayed properly.
                    and outside the temple nothing changed, everything is still ****ed up.

                    i wonder how that could happen, the g400 is explicitly mentioned as working and compatible in their readme. and i wonder what the beta-testers got payed for, especially since everyone seems to be experiencing this problems with a g400 in win2k.

                    booooh lionhead!
                    no matrox, no matroxusers.


                    • #25
                      I got one for you all. When I run the game under win2k (lastest drivers), the game starts out displaying 7 or 8 portions of the lower half of the lionhead logo and then again 7 or 8 of the black & WHite logos. The CD-ROm and hard drive access and page and then it goes to the load screen and then crashes and reverts me back to my desktop.

                      So I can't even play the game under win2k. My specs are as follows

                      PIII 800E
                      512 MB of Micron PC133 RAM
                      ASus p3bf
                      Martrox G400 MAX 32mb (last everything)
                      SBlive Value

                      I hate this. Every dam time a game gets released it always has problems with it. Its the fact that Matrox made a card that in my mind wasn't really for gaming and all these developers have to support it. As far as I am concerned my next card will be an Nvidia GeForce 3, I am sick of matrox's problems.


                      • #26
                        I'm sorry you feel that way, crossbonesx, but I think most of the problems are caused by game developers not testing their stuff properly on a G400, or in fact anything else than a GeForce. Because those cards are used widely, some people seem to think that they can get away with only testing/optimizing/writing their games for that hardware.

                        However, I can tell you that B&W crashes all the time one of my flatmate's pc with a GeForce in it.


                        • #27
                          Good point. As a game Developer formely at New World Computing/3DO I can say that its like nearly impossible to test for all the cards in all circumstances. Its much easier to release a game and let it have problems and release a patch.


                          • #28
                            there aren't that much 'widely used' graphic cards.

                            If you test it on a Rage128, a Radeon, a G400, a Geforce and a TNT/2, then you're mostly done.

                            If you don't, then I would call you either lazy or unresponsable


                            • #29
                              Hi guys,
                              Here is a solution, I dunno if I am allowed to say this here, but hehe....I'm playing a "backed up" copy of B&W, and I assume ppl who got (crashed back to desktop in Win2k) version is in the same boat as me. Well I got the game to work, and yes I start up the game I can see 6 chopped portions of the logo, etc...but the game works, the text, texture, temple everything is all corrupted, this is fixed by continuously alt-tabbing back and forth until it displays correctly, and yes as noted earlier the game runs quite smooth with every detail option maxed out (1024x768x32), I was a lil surprised...

                              anyways, to the main part of the solution, I dunno if you guys run the crack on the CD, then the patch, then the reg patch...but I tried it and it does not work and the game crashes me back to desktop...but when I clean reinstalled and use ONLY the crack from the CD, then start the game with the /NOINETCONN option in the back of the shortcut, etc.. the game will start and work (except corruption part)...

                              I hope I helped ppl who are in the same situation with me...

                              Sanjuro Makabe

                              P!!!550E @ 733Mhz
                              ASUS P3V4X 1005, 4in1 4.29
                              256Mb PC133Ram (Micron)
                              Matrox G400Max PD5.51
                              SBLive! LW3.0
                              Sanjuro Makabe

                              Pentium 4B 2.26GHz
                              ASUS P4T-EA
                              Samsung 512MB Rambus-T
                              ATI 8500 Retail
                              SB Audigy Plat. ex+
                              WinXP Pro SP1


                              • #30
                                sorry i took so long to reply...been playing B&W,
                                My system is running the 5.31 matrox drivers, I turned everything on in the setup screen...i just now turned of the volume lighting, but it didn't seem to be a problem, so i may go back and turn it on again. I also have it running in 32 bit colour at 1024x768.

                                I will confirm whether or not the volume lighting is an issue within my game and if it isn't it will be reenabled

                                Here is my system config:Athlon XP+ 2000, 1024MB SDRAM,EpOX EP9XA (or something)<b>Matrox Parhelia </b>
                                WinXP Professional SP1
                                Hercules Fortissimo III 7.1
                                3COM 905C

