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The boys are back in town! Come play UT!

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  • #76
    Maybe I'll get a copy just to try out.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Oboy
      It's nice to have you back Liz!
      Man that was a lot of fun playing last night. GOD I love using the hammer! It's


      thanks oboyyyyyyyyyyyy i am so out of practice tho.. its bad. haha


      • #78
        Time to revitalize the Thread...ACE CAN BE BEATEN! LOL

        Yes, it's true.....DSL be damned, he can be beaten! Great matches last night-glad I finally (one out of maybe 12 or 15) got the better of you, Snake/Ace/Azash/Kingsdragon. You must have been changing a diaper or something.... Where's that pesky Kindness when I can use his help?
        AMD 2500XP @ 2.3 GHz
        512 MB DDR PC3700 DChann
        ATI Radeon 9800 Pro now (s'alright)
        SB Live 5.1 Value
        80GB Drive


        • #79

          I have been around. I have been sucking lately, mostly when Ace is in the game. I firmly believe that when he is in the game I get all psyched out and don't do as well. I think I may go see a pshychiatrist about it.

          Anyway I will be playing LATER tonight (3-1-02) so maybe we can gang up on him then.

          (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


          • #80
            Just to prove I played lately here is the score from one of our games. I don't know how Ace and I wound up on a team against Beezer and Oboy, but they played it out anyway.

            Don't let Oboy whine about his ping. As you can see I had a ping of over 600 (at least when the shot was taken, it was about 70 during the game )

            HPB Vs. LPB

            (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


            • #81
              Piles of leaky Meat.....

              Gotcha, Kindness...just don't tell Ace we'll be teaming him or he'll scream bloody murder! Okay...he'll just slaughter us indescriminately like usual. Beez available for Shock-rifle Backup?
              AMD 2500XP @ 2.3 GHz
              512 MB DDR PC3700 DChann
              ATI Radeon 9800 Pro now (s'alright)
              SB Live 5.1 Value
              80GB Drive


              • #82
                Slightly off topic, but if you are in the mood for some UT music I have the proper selection.

                While I play I have MP3's running in the background (gotta love having 1.5 GIG of RAM ). Drowning Pool "Bodies" came up in the rotation. It fit so perfectly that I just looped it and listened to it about 10 times. heh

                Let the bodies hit the floor.....
                Let the bodies hit the floor.....
                Let the bodies hit the floor.....
                Let the bodies hit the.............

                (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


                • #83
                  13 to 66 OMG,why did you show this!

                  Beezer it kinda looks like the scores we got when we played 2v2

                  I thinkI killed Beezer more than Ace or Kindness! D team kill anyway!

                  Let the bodies hit the floor.....
                  Yea and it my body, hitting the floor, in very, very small pcs...LOL

                  CactusJack You a HPB or LPB?

                  One thing has always been the same, I just love to play this game!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Time to make the wafers!
                  Oboy Inside!

                  intel P4 2.26 @ 2.957Ghz

                  "Life isn't like a box of's more like a jar of
                  jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow."


                  • #84
                    ROFL! It was a blast, and team up all you like. I'll still give you a run for it.
                    " much for subtlety.."

                    System specs:
                    Gainward Ti4600
                    AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


                    • #85
                      HEHE I gave you a good run tonight!
                      Greebe played well when he got wormed up!
                      They got me on a better phone line, ping the same but not as much lag!

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Oboy; 1 March 2002, 20:30.
                      Time to make the wafers!
                      Oboy Inside!

                      intel P4 2.26 @ 2.957Ghz

                      "Life isn't like a box of's more like a jar of
                      jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow."


                      • #86
                        I can't believe you screen shotted that game! LOL

                        I guess I'll have to dig through my collection of screens....
                        My rig: P4 3.0GHz; Asus P4C800E; 1GB DDR 3200; AIW Radeon 9800 Pro; WD 120GB SATA; Plextor DVD burner; Liteon DVD reader; Audigy 2ZS; Logitech Z560 4.1; NEC FE991SB

                        Kid's rig: AMD XP 1600+; 512MB ram; GF4 Ti4600; Maxtor 60GB; Plextor CD burner; Sony DVD reader; SB Live; Cambridge 4.1 speakers; NEC FE991SB

                        Other kid's rig: Athlon 2700+; ASUS A7N8X mobo; 512MB PC3200 ram; GF4 Ti4600; Maxtor 80GB; SB Live; Cambridge 2.1; NEC FE991SB; Liteon DVD-ROM


                        • #87
                          Jack the LPB...but not as low as Ace

                          Yep I'm on cable-not great for latency, but those 2MB/sec downloads from nearby servers are a bonus I'll attach one of the rounds from a couple nights ago to fuel the fire a bit! Yep we all have to get back on some server...that Domination a week ago was rocking too-I never really enjoyed it before, but having Ace and Beez around make it much better
                          Just upgraded my processor to bloody smooth at 32 Bit depth with Ansio...great image quality-almost Matrox level, but with Frame rates 5 or so times my poor old G400 (which resides on my wife's comp now). See you later tonight maybe!
                          Attached Files
                          AMD 2500XP @ 2.3 GHz
                          512 MB DDR PC3700 DChann
                          ATI Radeon 9800 Pro now (s'alright)
                          SB Live 5.1 Value
                          80GB Drive


                          • #88
                            Suppose I should have taken a couple of screen shots of when I nearly (lol) beat Ace,\JL\KingsDragon,whateveritisthisweek

                            Tho next to the last game think Oboy was gettin a bit frustrated with me poppin his head off with the sniper rifle (He did get me back in the last round tho
                            "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                            "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                            • #89
                              As long as we are showing pics, here is the only one I am willing to show from tonight.

                              I think Jerry let Joseph play a match and he let me win.

                              (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


                              • #90
                                Oh yeah!

                                We may be without an official MU UT server now, but we still have loads of fun.

                                Greebe- you surprised the crap outta me, and not just that one game either. (So much for all the G550 / long time since you played talk, huh? )

                                Kindness- Joseph didn't exactly play. He kept me from getting started until maybe 1/4 of the way into the match, and I couldn't make up for your lead. (THAT'S my story, and I'M stickin' to it! )

                                Any night you guys want to play, you can bet I'll be around. Just last night Kindness/Pneumatic and I had some real fun. (Well, I did, since I had like 53 kills or so in Liandri Central Core, but..)

                                BTW, some nights when \JL\CrasH is around (my 2v2 partner, and another former WarMachines player) we've been able to get hold of one of the approximately 4 War Machines servers just for us to have fun on. This isn't too big a problem, since we've contributed a bit to the rental of those servers (JL, I mean).

                                I do need to apologize to all of you for the other night though. We had one of the 'new' WM players show up just as we were getting started, and he immediately goes into God mode, sets the flight cheat on, starts popping up globes all over the place etc. I'm really sorry that this happened. (I know CrasH initially left weapons stay off, but that was just an accident, which he was going to fix between maps. The arrival of the other guy was what ruined play on the WM server for us).

                                Examples of people like the new WM recruit illustrate the main reason CrasH and I left WM. All of our original clanmates had either left or weren't around more than once a month, while we somehow had a bunch of new people infiltrate the clan; the new people aren't the best of the bunch, if you can't guess from the other night.

                                Anyhow, look forward to seeing you all online and/or ingame in the future.
                                " much for subtlety.."

                                System specs:
                                Gainward Ti4600
                                AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)

