I have a little problem.. When the latest expansion was released for EverQuest, Shadows of Luclin, I ran a brick wall trying to play with all the new models etc.. First let me list my specs btw..
Athlon 1ghz
512mb ram
G400 MAX
Windows XP
Ok, back to the issue, with all character models enabled, social animations off, High Quality textures, no texture compression, I run out of memory, this includes the 512mb swapfile.. How on EARTH can EverQuest take up over 1 gig of ram for me when I know of other players who run with 256mb physical ram, all settings at max and have no problems? I'm not sure if this is a WinXP issue or if it's the G400, but something is not right.. If I run in medium texture quality it cuts down the memory usage to half, so then I can play EQ with only a little swapping, if I turn on about 5 models I get below the 512mb limit and can play without swap lag..
I would really appreciate any help with this..
Athlon 1ghz
512mb ram
G400 MAX
Windows XP
Ok, back to the issue, with all character models enabled, social animations off, High Quality textures, no texture compression, I run out of memory, this includes the 512mb swapfile.. How on EARTH can EverQuest take up over 1 gig of ram for me when I know of other players who run with 256mb physical ram, all settings at max and have no problems? I'm not sure if this is a WinXP issue or if it's the G400, but something is not right.. If I run in medium texture quality it cuts down the memory usage to half, so then I can play EQ with only a little swapping, if I turn on about 5 models I get below the 512mb limit and can play without swap lag..
I would really appreciate any help with this..