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Please Convince Me!!

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  • Please Convince Me!!

    I have a small problem.
    I want to buy a Matrox G550
    but I cant

    I have been using matrox since its mystique series. I usually change 2 video cards/year. I sometimes try some other brands but generally I use Matrox. Actually I like Matrox.

    Now I use Nvidia geforce 2 ultra, it is not a bad chip but as a matrox fan I hate using an other brand.

    What I need is some good reviews and some positive opinions. By the way I mostly play 3d games and I use my PC 15 hours per day. ( more on weekends)

    P.S.: if you must just lie to me. It is ok as long as you convince me to buy a MATROX G550

    Thanks for your effort...
    Locus Est Morte Iste

  • #2

    Buy a matrox Soon, but leave it a month or two if you want it for games.....

    Dont just swallow the blue pill.


    • #3
      You see...

      You should buy a G550 because it sports the best 2D out there (great for playing source ports, desktopwork such as word procesing, and web browsing), and a card can't be the best 3D card until it's mastered 2D... And because the G550 has the best DVI and multi-monitor support, and we all know that multiple monitors are cool, and DVI really is the best, so go buy your G550!
      I'd like to Glide my T-Buffered foor up nVidia's Transformed and Lighted ass...


      • #4
        For someone who doesn't know diddle about Matrox cards you sure are opinionated xbnmx.
        "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

        "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


        • #5

          He said to convince him in any way possible even if it meant lying (even though I didn't lie)...
          I'd like to Glide my T-Buffered foor up nVidia's Transformed and Lighted ass...


          • #6
            Just get a G400-MAX.
            Put your money on cooling it to sub zero (celsius) temperature and OC the shit out of it.

            Then post some screenshots


            • #7
              Know where your coming from inferno. I was trying to convince myself to buy a G550 and reading reviews of it didnt help well for the 3D area of things i mean. Unfortunatley it dont seem to be the best for 3D games but like someone said its unmatched for 2d and Dual Monitors with it are amazing. Does anyone know if there is a PCI version if th 550? That way you could keep your GF2Ultra and also have a Matrox too Im looking for a PCI solution to go along side my current card (Im quiet a matrox fan also) and AFAIK the G450 is the only one thats in a PCI version at the moment.

              **Oh btw Hello to all the reguars (i just joined the forum today ) look forward to posting.
              Posted by Robert

              CPU| Athlon XP 2200+ MEMORY| 512MB (DDR400) STORAGE| 82GB IBM UDMA100 DISPLAY| ATI Radeon AIW 9700pro OS| Windows Server 2003 (Standard Edition)


              • #8
                Hi Robert, and welcome to the forums! The G450 is indeed the only PCI solution from Matrox.

                Inferno - If you want to see some reviews of the G550 then check out
                It's a Finnish site, hope they can be accessed from abroad as well.

                Most tests will tell you that the G550 is good for what it's meant for. No more, no less. If you sit by your computer 15 hours per day then a Matrox card will be the card that stresses your eyes the least. I'm not going into the gaming bit because it would be difficult to convince you in that


                • #9

                  Thanks to all who try...
                  Well you did it . I am convinced. Monday the first think I will do is to get that G550 (Whatever the 3D Gaming performance is).This will be the forth Matrox that I am going to have. And I am very excited.
                  After all I am not only buying the perfect card.
                  I am buying a MATROX card.
                  (I am a Matrox fan for sure.)

                  In my opinion one of the best think to have a Matrox card is that you are sure it is a Matrox. I mean every single component on the card is designed and/or assembled by Matrox staff.
                  Well when you use a nvidia or an ati you can be sure for the GPU only. These companies only produce the GPUs afterall. There are tens of brands with ati or nvidia GPU and their performance ( and stability and price) are very different.
                  But when I use a Matrox card I can be sure of its performance and the support that I can get.

                  Once again.
                  Thank you Matrox.
                  Thank you Matroxusers.

                  (I think it is time to put this forum into my bookmarks)
                  Locus Est Morte Iste


                  • #10
                    Your almost making me want to ditch my quadro card for one.

                    Im only using this quadro2 because i picked it up cheap and its got DVI as well as standard VGA (only cost me £60 ) but i was after a quality card by matrox to go along it in the PCI slot. To use for the windows 2d things. Maybe i will take another look at the G550

                    To be honest as far as the games go im only bothered about stuff like Counter-Strike , im getting another monitor soon (the Dual 17" in my sig is a *any time now thing* ) and i hear that the G550 is a dream on the eye's <is really tempted now>
                    Posted by Robert

                    CPU| Athlon XP 2200+ MEMORY| 512MB (DDR400) STORAGE| 82GB IBM UDMA100 DISPLAY| ATI Radeon AIW 9700pro OS| Windows Server 2003 (Standard Edition)


                    • #11
                      It is a decent card. Especially for the price. And if ever the big "P" is released, you won't feel bad because you shelled out a wad of dough for one the Geforce4 that won't even be comparable to the next coming.
                      #1 DRILL SERGEANT PICK-UP LINE

                      "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
                      people do all day!"


                      • #12
                        At Last... (TGI MATROX)

                        Pals... I am so happy and I want to share it with you.
                        I buy that G550, and I am so happy.
                        I nearly forgot how wonderful to use a MATROX.
                        (TGI Matrox)
                        And now I am sure what my next card will be.
                        It will be "MATROX" again.
                        It does not matter how much bucks will it cost to me. I am sure it will be worth of it.

                        Thanks for your comments. Afterall it is very easy to convince a Matrox fan to make him buy a Matrox card.

                        PS: I think I wont be needing any more convincement for the upcoming P...
                        Locus Est Morte Iste

