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CS 1.4 Hanging and Tribes 2 crashing and gamma is messed

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  • CS 1.4 Hanging and Tribes 2 crashing and gamma is messed

    this is my last friggin matrox card if they dont get some working drivers out.
    its always the friggin same trouble. they can bring out a hardware thats 20x faster than a g4 and it would still be a pain in the ass with drivers of this quality.
    i dont need mad game performace, the 2d stuff is fine, but atleast once in a while i wanna be able to play a game.

    tribes 2 has random crashes and the gamma doesnt reset when i end it.

    counter strike 1.4 hangs when goin from the game to the menu and the menu aint being rendered, also doesnt reset the gamma.

    and matrox keeps telling me its not possible to play videos on the second monitor without software. i have a system with nt4 and the 4.34 drivers and it DOES play them on the second monitor. without software emulation. when i use later drivers and turn on software they get all slow and choppy.

  • #2
    First settle down. This site is not run by Matrox. If you continue to explode, no one will want to help you.

    First, did you try the 5.01.007 drivers. They just recently came out.

    Are you using Service Pack 6A? What are the rest of your system specs?


    • #3
      yes, the nt 4 is with sp 6a and even with the 5.01 it doesnt work, only the 4.34 do it. but they give me trouble with some app positioning.
      its a p3-500 with 256megs, g400 dh and intel bx440 chipset

      the problem with the games is win2k sp2 + rollup on a tb 1600xp+, 768megs and a g400max with an epox 8kta3pro, 4in1 installed and latest drivers.


      • #4
        Are you using any of the dual-head modes? If so, try with them off.

        So you're having this problem on two different systems. Is this with two different cards or did you try the same card in both?

        What is your AGP aperture set to for these systems? If it is less than 256MB try increasing it to that amount in your computer Bios. This is a frequent problem with G400s especially in OpenGL.

        Which renderer's are you using for both machines?

        With Counterstrike, are you using the retail version or the add-on MOD for Half-Life?

        Any1 got some ideas? Haig, you still hang out here occasionally?


        • #5
          sure, and i wont turn them off everytime i wanna play ...

          different cards, different systems, different problems. the games are win2k/g400max, the video is nt4 g400dh

          the gamma stuff happens with d3d

          cs 1.4 mod


          • #6
            Btw dont complain about matrox just becos your CS 1.4 is causing problems. I work in a Lan Gaming Shop where CS is a craze (even though we support alot of RPG games).
            The fact is Valve has changed a lot of things in their Halflife version and in the CS 1.4, so far CS 1.4 has crashed my systems which run the gamut of geforce256 64MB DDR, geforce2gts 32MB DDR and geforce2MX400 64MB. not a single matrox card in my place so the problems you face does not entirely lie with your matrox card. If fact you have quit from the console if you want to play safe as the systems here are tending to hang if you quit using the menus.
            Life is a bed of roses. Everyone else sees the roses, you are the one being gored by the thorns.

            AMD PhenomII555@B55(Quadcore-3.2GHz) Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5 Kingston 1x2GB Generic 8400GS512MB WD1.5TB LGMulti-Drive Dell2407WFP
            ***Matrox G400DH 32MB still chugging along happily in my other pc***


            • #7
              Since switching to a GF4 TI4400, I've been putting all my old games that wern't running too great on my G400 back on. I put HL on and downloaded the latest patches and CS 1.4. HL runs fine, but CS does the same wierd bug when exiting. It's definatly the game, NOT your video card.

