I just fired up Action Half-Life and I was shocked! The first time I haven't enabled the framecounter, but the game was basicly unplayable, especially when some slightly higher action was going on. I enabled the framecounter to see that the game dropped under 13fps
My old Athlon 1000 and V5 5500 played the game much better (never dropped under 28fps) than my new Athlon XP 2000+ and the Parhelia.
I am running the game with 1024x768x32, 16xFAA and Aniso enabled. The thing I am a bit worried is that the installation is an old installation from my V5 5500 times, I had it on my second HD because I don't want to do a clean install (have to download the latest patches, all the new weapon models....) of Half-Life and AHL.
What can cause this problems? Might this be only the old installation, or is it a problem with my driver settings? I will try it soon without Aniso, but I doubt that it will run that faster

My old Athlon 1000 and V5 5500 played the game much better (never dropped under 28fps) than my new Athlon XP 2000+ and the Parhelia.
I am running the game with 1024x768x32, 16xFAA and Aniso enabled. The thing I am a bit worried is that the installation is an old installation from my V5 5500 times, I had it on my second HD because I don't want to do a clean install (have to download the latest patches, all the new weapon models....) of Half-Life and AHL.
What can cause this problems? Might this be only the old installation, or is it a problem with my driver settings? I will try it soon without Aniso, but I doubt that it will run that faster
