I just bought Medeval total war and have a problem with my parhelia. When iam in battle "battle screen mode" and i wish to move a unit, the unit is not going to where i left-click, its like it move the uniot to the reverse location, if i left-click on the ground for the unit to move to the left it walks to the right. The odd is that on occasion unit do move to where i clicked ...
I have seen a similar problem on a game iam beta testing at the moment where mouselook becomes inverted and reverse or how to describe it, i can see a pattern here with medeval total war
Does anyone have any experience of this ? these 2 games are the only ones so far i have got this problem with. In the beta game it was corrected by setting dynamic lightning to 0.
Any suggestions on how i should proceed are welcome. thx
I just bought Medeval total war and have a problem with my parhelia. When iam in battle "battle screen mode" and i wish to move a unit, the unit is not going to where i left-click, its like it move the uniot to the reverse location, if i left-click on the ground for the unit to move to the left it walks to the right. The odd is that on occasion unit do move to where i clicked ...
I have seen a similar problem on a game iam beta testing at the moment where mouselook becomes inverted and reverse or how to describe it, i can see a pattern here with medeval total war
Does anyone have any experience of this ? these 2 games are the only ones so far i have got this problem with. In the beta game it was corrected by setting dynamic lightning to 0.
Any suggestions on how i should proceed are welcome. thx