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Surround Gaming Petitions

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  • Surround Gaming Petitions

    Hey guys,

    When you look @ the current list of Surround Gaming, the response has obviously been very good...

    But there are a few titles that I would just die to see w/ this feature...Many of these are EA Sports titles.

    So, this goes out to anybody that might have a clue (or not)...

    If there are any issues in getting support for specific games and/or from specific developers, would doing any sort of petition be worthwhile at all?

    IfI have no idea if there are any outfits that have been very unreceptive or not, but a little pressure sometimes helps in getting things pushed over the cliff, so to speak.

    Any thoughts?

  • #2
    well, it might work if the games you are thinking of is coded with flexible handling of viewports in mind.

    my guess is that games that supports multiple viewports would be easy to patch for surround gaming(1 viewport for each monitor, that way you can avoid streching/distortion of the images on the side monitors).
    if you think about, practically all racing games/flight-sims(and alot of other gametypes) already use multiple vieworts in the first place(rear-view mirrors/fancy monitors in the cockpit/etc...). In theory, they could just detect a surround gaming resolution, and add 2 extra viewports in the sides of the image(surround gaming is logically one very wide resolution) with right size, fov and angle.

    I would guess, it could be implemented in a matter of hours, in games like that, and it would be even easier(almost free) if you would be satisfied with the stretched single viewport solution.
    I don´t think it is too much to ask for, in a petition, so go for it .

    Of course, it might be too much work for some games, and if that is the case, then I don´t think a petition will help.
    Last edited by TdB; 6 September 2002, 13:54.
    This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


    • #3
      Something else to consider is, ATI offers a form of "surround gaming" with there 8500's, 9000's and 9700's. You can use an HDTV adapter, plug into a widescreen HDTV and viola! You have 1920x1080 for "surround gaming". Not to mention that there are also more monitors coming out that have widescreen. And the more people use computers as entertainment devices, the more people will buy widescreen monitors for DVD's and games, etc...

      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


      • #4

        After re-reading this thread, it almost sounded like I was implying that a petition was necessary...

        I think what I really wanted to say was the following...

        Wouldn't it be kool to employ something similar to Transgaming's method of determining which games get fixed?

        If you're unfamiliar with Transgaming, they're the group that took Linux Wine, and wanted to make it as robust as humanly possible, with respect to OpenGL/Direct3D games. Obviously, there's a ton of work to be done, and there still exist tons of bugs/implementations/etc. to be accomplished before they will ever get something that will just work with any title thrown at it.

        So, these guys decided to have some sort of voting process so _they_ know what the paying community was interested in using. So, the most popular games would obviously be addressed.

        I was just trying to think of some ways in which voices might be able to be heard by Matrox...which in turn, could take directly to the developers.

        Is that too brash? I really don't know how often they browse these forums, so maybe it's a moot point...maybe they're very receptive to interacting with the community to the point where this is not necessary at all. I've been away from the Matrox scene for a long time, though I've continued to lurk here for years...

