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Battlefield 1942 and Surround Gaming (Update for Retail)

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  • Battlefield 1942 and Surround Gaming (Update for Retail)

    Ok so you can't get the retail to work and want to know how, well once again here's the easy steps to get you going.

    1- Install game then install patch 1.1 or later
    1- Run the game for the first time
    3- Quit the game, this will generate a video.con
    4- go to settings/profiles/custom and edit video.con generated
    5- Change game.setGameDisplayMode 800 600 32 0
    to game.SetGameDisplayMode 2400 600 32 0 or game.SetGameDisplayMode 2400 600 32 1
    6- Save and quit
    7- Run the game again and do not click on "Use" under Profile, since the settings will be overriden
    8- Choose single or multiplayer and off you go in Surround Gaming!
    9- If you would like to create a profile for Surround Gaming
    click on create under Profiles, choose the name that you want, save and quit
    10- go to settings/profiles/<name of profile> and edit video.con
    11- repeat step 5 to 6
    12- Run the game, the new profile you created will be picked up again don't click on "Use", just select single or multiplayer and enjoy!

    Any problems let me know,

    "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."

  • #2
    Main problem is :spawn,fat gun, zoom in zoom out normal gun and again spawn fat gun, zoom in zoom out now looks normal again.Switch to another weapon after zoom in gun is no longer in hand now its floating just above the hand and the worse is the grenades/explosives cant zoom in zoom out to fix it!The hud is stretched badly is there any way to scale down the hud for good??
    The sixty-four bit upgrade to the thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen-bit patch to an eight-bit operating system originally coded for a four-bit microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.


    • #3
      Heh, I'm funny I guess, that didnt even bother me.

      I mean, that aside, this is one incredible game in triplehead. I'd even say its the best triplehead game so far!


      • #4
        I cant get working!

        I changed both videocustom con file and video con file both 1kb large to 2400 600 32 0 and still the game isnt in triple head. I go straight to multiplayer without changing anything, in fact I dont even see a user/ profile option to mess with! Help!


        • #5
          Re: I cant get working!

          Originally posted by Gotcha
          I changed both videocustom con file and video con file both 1kb large to 2400 600 32 0 and still the game isnt in triple head. I go straight to multiplayer without changing anything, in fact I dont even see a user/ profile option to mess with! Help!
          Same here, I have changed every video.con file I can find and still only single screen.

          Runs well though, and looks good.


          • #6
            I even tried the Apptimizer and it didnt work! Holy crap I hope I dont have to wait until matrox officially supports it! pleeeeeasse let me know if you get it to work. Thanks


            • #7
              Can someone try 2400 600 32 1 instead of 2400 600 32 0 and tell me if that works,

              "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."


              • #8

                I wish I could say 2400 600 32 1 worked but I couldnt get it to, do you have net meeting? I could let you take control of my pc if you got like a dsl connection. Net meeting works well with a web camera so you can see me. If you want to try that give me a time to meet maybe later today. Send your reply on this site and I'll give you my email and a current ip address at that time, we need to exchange ip addresses to get it strarted. My net meeting on my pc is from win xp home edition. My time zone is central time. Its 1:12 I'll check this site about 4:00 pm today for your reply.



                • #9
                  If I'm in triple head like all the rest of my games that go triple head, all the preview crap when you load a game up until you get to where you have game options normally for me are in triple head. I never see battle field 1942 in triple head in the preview crap before the game starts so I know I'm not gonna get to be in triple head, is this the same for you guys?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gotcha
                    If I'm in triple head like all the rest of my games that go triple head, all the preview crap when you load a game up until you get to where you have game options normally for me are in triple head. I never see battle field 1942 in triple head in the preview crap before the game starts so I know I'm not gonna get to be in triple head, is this the same for you guys?


                    • #11
                      1920x480 works, no other surround res does though, and thats following the instructions above.


                      • #12
                        I am just downloading the apptimizer, I will give it a go with that.


                        • #13
                          L et me know how it works for you , I will reply later this afternoon.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Gotcha
                            L et me know how it works for you , I will reply later this afternoon.

                            No joy, 1920x480 is still the only TH res that works. I have no problems with TH in any other TH game.

                            My specs/setup:-

                            AMD XP1800
                            512Mb PC2100
                            Asus A7N-266C (Nforce 415, Bios 1003, using Nvidia 1.13 drivers)
                            Retail Parhelia (using uptodate current drivers)
                            XP Pro (fully updated with windows update except SP1, may install that later)
                            Audigy (cant remember driver, I am at work at the mo)

                            nothing is overclocked.

                            BF1942 is the retail version and patched to 1.1.


                            • #15
                              That is very weird, ok try this, delete all the profiles in the game. Exit then edit video.con and change it back to 2400 600 0 and then run the game. Click on Singleplay or Multiplay and let me know if it works,

                              "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."

