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Medal of Honor with G200?

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  • Medal of Honor with G200?

    Is there any possibility to run Medal of Honor on a G200 card?

    I know it is an old card, but after I wracked my newer Hercules-Card I have no other alternative.
    The problems are:
    1.) the "click areas" in the main menu are white
    2.) when I start a campain, the game crashes an the dialogue says:
    WARNING: Medal of Honor requires a video card with multitexturing capability
    3.) when there is an intro in the game, I can't see it... there is just a black screen

    I hope one of you can help me out of my problem.

  • #2

    you scare me.

    don't bother, its not worth it. i bet the drivers wouldn't work with DX8 even close to well, and like you have already found out, it probably doesn't support all the features required.
    "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


    • #3
      Doesn't it work on a TNT?
      I think it does.


      • #4
        does it matter if it runs on a tnt? only if you like dia shows...


        • #5
          Originally posted by DGhost

          you scare me.

          don't bother, its not worth it. i bet the drivers wouldn't work with DX8 even close to well, and like you have already found out, it probably doesn't support all the features required.
          The game is OpenGL and is based on the QuakeIII engine...
          Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by K6-III

            The game is OpenGL and is based on the QuakeIII engine...
            eh, thats right... i can't keep my games straight anymore... didn't play it more than about 10 minutes as it ran like crap on a Radeon 8500... all i remember is that the installer wanted to install DX8... hehe...

            still can't imagine that it would be playable on a G200, even if it does run...
            "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


            • #7
              Dude, I am sure its <i>playable</i>. You know, like you play music while you are watching a slideshow.


              • #8
                Seeing as it barely made it on a G400MAX OC'd a bit running with everything turned down....I doubt it....but try anyway....
                Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DGhost

                  eh, thats right... i can't keep my games straight anymore... didn't play it more than about 10 minutes as it ran like crap on a Radeon 8500...
                  I dunno how you managed to make it run like crap on a radeon 8500 I did play the game with a radeon 8500 as many other without any problem...
                  Athlon64 4800+
                  Asus A8N deluxe
                  2 gig munchkin ddr 500
                  eVGA 7800 gtx 512 in SLI
                  X-Fi Fatality
                  HP w2207


                  • #10
                    if i remember right several of the early 8500 driver sets had severe issues with this game...

                    oh yes, let me find some links for this...

                    I was not the only person to have problems.

                    try doing a search for 8500 and MOH:AA in the rage3d forums. its quite the list.
                    "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by K6-III
                      The game is OpenGL and is based on the QuakeIII engine...
                      Not very relevant, but this also applies to Alice, which is quite playable on a G200 (with everything turned down).
                      Blah blah blah nick blah blah confusion, blah blah blah blah frog.


                      • #12
                        crocado ... it won't work .. i got all the same problems you stated when i tried to run medal of honor on my G200 8 MB SD.

                        That was with the demo version though, i doubt the full version would be any different.

                        As the error message says : this game needs a 3D card which supports multitexturing, and it looks like the G200 doesn't.

                        Also if i remember correctly, the installer or the readme file said that the game needs a card with at least 16 MB of ram.
                        But the game didn't complain about the amount of video ram, it complained about multitexturing.

                        as a side note .. i played it on a friend pc with a voodoo3 3000 and it ran fine at 800x600 with some details down .. but i don't remember which though.

                        It's a very nice game indeed and it's worth upgrading your PC for.
                        GigaByte 6BXC, celeron300A@450, 128 Ram, G200 8M SD


                        • #13
                          You just answered the question:

                          "WARNING: Medal of Honor requires a video card with multitexturing capability". G200 has only one TMU so no multitexturing,

                          "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DGhost

                            I was not the only person to have problems.

                            try doing a search for 8500 and MOH:AA in the rage3d forums. its quite the list.
                            you got your point
                            but what was strange I did play that game in that period without what you would call a stellar system and it worked pretty well, go figure. Maybe its because i was always using the latest beta or leaked drivers ???? Anyway it surely got fixed in later revision since all these post date jan/feb 2002
                            Athlon64 4800+
                            Asus A8N deluxe
                            2 gig munchkin ddr 500
                            eVGA 7800 gtx 512 in SLI
                            X-Fi Fatality
                            HP w2207


                            • #15
                              yeah, my system at the time was a 1.33ghz athlon, should have run fine. like i said, i played it for about 10 minutes, never touched it again. it could have just been the driver set i was using - i usually didn't use the latest driver sets... some of them were pretty buggy, so i just used the first set i found that worked, kept trying random sets off and on, but usually stuck with one for a while...

                              yeah, they did fix the problems eventually, judging from the posts i saw...
                              "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz

