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The MURC UT2004 Server

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  • #16
    It wasn't worth the increase in shipping costs for me. I'll find a store tomorrow.


    • #17
      Nevermind. It came in 1 day instead of 3 days! Woohoo! Cannot wait 'til 6PM.


      • #18
        I love it when that happens


        • #19
          The headphones are not adjustable so I cannot use my set. WIsh they had an Unreal logo on them.


          • #20
            Alcohol 120% images it just fine. Installing now. I need a bigger hard drive.

            Correction, It images it but Securom keeps it from running.
            Last edited by High_Jumbllama; 16 March 2004, 19:51.


            • #21
              Still waiting for the server to be switched. The admin had a son on Monday and will change it over when he gets back to the office.


              • #22
                Alcohol may not be desigined to handle this yet. They do not seem to have funtions to emulate protection schemes on DVD yet.

                Hmm my aver age posts per day have increased from 1.53 to 1.63 in the past week. Woohoo!


                • #23
                  When they get the server switched....

                  .....One of the first orders of business:

                  I will be putting Beezer's DM-Murc & DM-Spelunker on the server.
                  You can copy them over to UT2004 from your UT2003 Maps folder. You also need Frank.utx from the Textures folder.
                  You can also get them via download:


                  • #24
                    Server has been changed to retail


                    • #25
                      Re: When they get the server switched....

                      Originally posted by SitFlyer
                      .....One of the first orders of business:

                      I will be putting Beezer's DM-Murc & DM-Spelunker on the server.
                      Thanks! I hope to be adding to the collection before too long. Maybe an Onslaught map.
                      My rig: P4 3.0GHz; Asus P4C800E; 1GB DDR 3200; AIW Radeon 9800 Pro; WD 120GB SATA; Plextor DVD burner; Liteon DVD reader; Audigy 2ZS; Logitech Z560 4.1; NEC FE991SB

                      Kid's rig: AMD XP 1600+; 512MB ram; GF4 Ti4600; Maxtor 60GB; Plextor CD burner; Sony DVD reader; SB Live; Cambridge 4.1 speakers; NEC FE991SB

                      Other kid's rig: Athlon 2700+; ASUS A7N8X mobo; 512MB PC3200 ram; GF4 Ti4600; Maxtor 80GB; SB Live; Cambridge 2.1; NEC FE991SB; Liteon DVD-ROM


                      • #26
                        Better be an Onslaught map


                        • #27
                          Re: When they get the server switched....

                          Originally posted by SitFlyer
                          .....One of the first orders of business:

                          I will be putting Beezer's DM-Murc & DM-Spelunker on the server.
                          You can copy them over to UT2004 from your UT2003 Maps folder. You also need Frank.utx from the Textures folder.
                          You can also get them via download:
                          Maps have been added to the server


                          • #28
                            I've just up'd the bots Masterful. Adept was getting boring


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by SitFlyer
                              I've just up'd the bots Masterful. Adept was getting boring
                              Bots have been getting so good, with all their practice, that they're now apparently Inhuman.
                              I can't tell the difference. They still suck


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by SitFlyer
                                The voice server can be used for chat. I've created a channel called ChitChat ( PW = 101092 ), for voice chat, with whomever, whenever.
                                Using the chat server will not affect the game server.
                                They are not on the same machine.
                                If a longtime MURC'er would like their own channel, let me know & I'll arrange one for you

