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UT2004 ECE Downloadable Content Released!

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  • UT2004 ECE Downloadable Content Released!



  • #2
    Individual MODs that were included would be downloadable seperately.


    • #3
      I recommend using the Finland link. I got 340 some KBPS.


      • #4
        Thanks for the heads-up


        • #5
          This bonus pack is really awesome.


          • #6
            ECE Vehicle Strategy Hints

            Found on the Atari forum

            - Defense oriented vehicle, great for protecting power nodes and tight areas.
            - While the shield is up, shooting a regular fire shot into it will cause a shock blast around the Paladin, which is effective in clearing out nearby infantry.
            - You can shoot almost immediately after lowering the shield, but you will be exposed for a short time as the shield energy cycles before you can bring the shield up again.

            Self Propelled Mobile Artillery
            - Alt-fire shoots out the mortar camera. Alt-firing again deploys the camera. Then you can use WASD to control the reticle on the ground, which sets the SPMA target. If the reticle turns red, it means that the camera cannot see the center of the target zone, and can therefore not target that position. This means that the SPMA can only shoot at targets which are in the line of sight of the camera.
            - This is important, because the mortar camera can be shot down. Also, you can shoot AVRiLs at a mortar camera. If the AVRiL gets a line of sight to the SPMA vehicle while traveling towards the mortar camera, it will change targets to the SPMA vehicle, allowing defenders to indirectly destroy the SPMA.
            - If you fire without deploying the camera, the mortar shells have a short fuse, so they cannot be used for parabolic trajectory attacks.

            - This is a ground-attack flying vehicle, very effective against fixed positions and slow moving enemies.
            - Raptors are much better air-to-air fighters. In general, they eat Cicadas for lunch. The key for the Raptor pilot is to stay above the Cicada, so the Cicada's belly turret can't be used.
            - The pilot can target positions (not specific enemies) using his alt-fire. Hold down alt-fire, and missiles will load up after you have selected a target. While doing this, the Cicada can take cover. When all missiles are loaded, or you release alt-fire, the missiles will come out and seek the targeted position. Fire in a direction with some clearance (up is often good), so the missiles don't run into an obstacle.
            - The belly turret's alt-fire releases flares which will distract incoming heat seeking missiles (AVRiLs) if fired at the right time. The Raptor's guided missiles use a different guidance system, and aren't thrown off by the flares (this is why Raptor missiles can only target Raptors, Cicadas, and Mantas).
            - The Cicada will hover in place if it has no pilot. A skilled pilot can quickly switch to the belly turret to use either the regular fire, or the alt-fire against AVRiLs.

