Hi, just to let you know that SW: Republic Commando runs fine on Parhelia.
I installed it yesterday and had no trouble running it. I set it at 1024*768 and average details (default). it's smooth with my 2,4Ghz barton and 1Gig of RAM. I'll try to add som details tonight
Also the game is very good, pretty addictive. It kept me awake till 2am and I would have kept playing if I didn't have to wake up at 7h00 to go to work
I installed it yesterday and had no trouble running it. I set it at 1024*768 and average details (default). it's smooth with my 2,4Ghz barton and 1Gig of RAM. I'll try to add som details tonight

Also the game is very good, pretty addictive. It kept me awake till 2am and I would have kept playing if I didn't have to wake up at 7h00 to go to work